Displaying 41 – 60 of 427

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An extension of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem for nonlinear time-varying systems

Tadeusz Kaczorek (2006)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The classical Cayley-Hamilton theorem is extended to nonlinear time-varying systems with square and rectangular system matrices. It is shown that in both cases system matrices satisfy many equations with coefficients being the coefficients of characteristic polynomials of suitable square matrices. The proposed theorems are illustrated with numerical examples.

An Invariance Problem for Control Systems with Deterministic Uncertainty

Lech Górniewicz, Paolo Nistri (1996)

Banach Center Publications

This paper deals with a class of nonlinear control systems in R n in presence of deterministic uncertainty. The uncertainty is modelled by a multivalued map F with nonempty, closed, convex values. Given a nonempty closed set K R n from a suitable class, which includes the convex sets, we solve the problem of finding a state feedback ū(t,x) in such a way that K is invariant under any system dynamics f. As a system dynamics we consider any continuous selection of the uncertain controlled dynamics F.

An Optimal Control Problem for a Predator-Prey Reaction-Diffusion System

N. C. Apreutesei (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

An optimal control problem is studied for a predator-prey system of PDE, with a logistic growth rate of the prey and a general functional response of the predator. The control function has two components. The purpose is to maximize a mean density of the two species in their habitat. The existence of the optimal solution is analyzed and some necessary optimality conditions are established. The form of the optimal control is found in some particular...

Analysis of an on-off intermittency system with adjustable state levels

Shi-Jian Cang, Zeng-Qiang Chen, Zhu Zhi Yuan (2008)


We consider a chaotic system with a double-scroll attractor proposed by Elwakil, composing with a second-order system, which has low-dimensional multiple invariant subspaces and multi-level on-off intermittency. This type of composite system always includes a skew-product structure and some invariant subspaces, which are associated with different levels of laminar phase. In order for the level of laminar phase be adjustable, we adopt a nonlinear function with saturation characteristic to tune the...

Analysis of some dual properties in discrete dynamic systems

Aleksey Zhirabok (2006)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The problem of duality in nonlinear and linear systems is considered. In addition to the known duality between controllability and observability, new dual notions and their properties are investigated. A way to refine these properties through an isomorphic transformation of the original systems is suggested.

Application of a second order VSC to nonlinear systems in multi-input parametric-pure-feedback form

Antonella Ferrara, Luisa Giacomini (2000)


The use of a multi-input control design procedure for uncertain nonlinear systems expressible in multi-input parametric-pure feedback form to determine the control law for a class of mechanical systems is described in this paper. The proposed procedure, based on the well-known backstepping design technique, relies on the possibility of extending to multi-input uncertain systems a second order sliding mode control approach recently developed, thus reducing the computational load, as well as increasing...

Applications of Lie systems in quantum mechanics and control theory

José F. Cariñena, Arturo Ramos (2003)

Banach Center Publications

Some simple examples from quantum physics and control theory are used to illustrate the application of the theory of Lie systems. We will show, in particular, that for certain physical models both of the corresponding classical and quantum problems can be treated in a similar way, may be up to the replacement of the Lie group involved by a central extension of it. The geometric techniques developed for dealing with Lie systems are also used in problems of control theory. Specifically, we will study...

Approximate controllability and its well-posedness for the semilinear reaction-diffusion equation with internal lumped controls

Alexander Khapalov (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider the one dimensional semilinear reaction-diffusion equation, governed in Ω = (0,1) by controls, supported on any subinterval of (0, 1), which are the functions of time only. Using an asymptotic approach that we have previously introduced in [9], we show that such a system is approximately controllable at any time in both L2(0,1)( and C0[0,1], provided the nonlinear term f = f(x,t, u) grows at infinity no faster than certain power of log |u|. The latter depends on the regularity...

Approximation of the Zakai equation in a nonlinear filtering problem with delay

Krystyna Twardowska, Tomasz Marnik, Monika Pasławska-Południak (2003)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A nonlinear filtering problem with delays in the state and observation equations is considered. The unnormalized conditional probability density of the filtered diffusion process satisfies the so-called Zakai equation and solves the nonlinear filtering problem. We examine the solution of the Zakai equation using an approximation result. Our theoretical deliberations are illustrated by a numerical example.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 427