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On special almost geodesic mappings of type π 1 of spaces with affine connection

Vladimir BerezovskijJosef Mikeš — 2004

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

N. S. Sinyukov [5] introduced the concept of an of a space A n with an affine connection without torsion onto A ¯ n and found three types: π 1 , π 2 and  π 3 . The authors of [1] proved completness of that classification for n > 5 .By definition, special types of mappings π 1 are characterized by equations P i j , k h + P i j α P α k h = a i j δ k h , where P i j h Γ ¯ i j h - Γ i j h is the deformation tensor of affine connections of the spaces A n and A ¯ n .In this paper geometric objects which preserve these mappings are found and also closed classes of such spaces are described.

Conformally geodesic mappings satisfying a certain initial condition

Hana ChudáJosef Mikeš — 2011

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper we study conformally geodesic mappings between pseudo-Riemannian manifolds ( M , g ) and ( M ¯ , g ¯ ) , i.e. mappings f : M M ¯ satisfying f = f 1 f 2 f 3 , where f 1 , f 3 are conformal mappings and f 2 is a geodesic mapping. Suppose that the initial condition f * g ¯ = k g is satisfied at a point x 0 M and that at this point the conformal Weyl tensor does not vanish. We prove that then f is necessarily conformal.

Shells of monotone curves

Josef MikešKarl Strambach — 2015

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We determine in n the form of curves C corresponding to strictly monotone functions as well as the components of affine connections for which any image of C under a compact-free group Ω of affinities containing the translation group is a geodesic with respect to . Special attention is paid to the case that Ω contains many dilatations or that C is a curve in 3 . If C is a curve in 3 and Ω is the translation group then we calculate not only the components of the curvature and the Weyl tensor but...

On holomorphically projective mappings from manifolds with equiaffine connection onto Kähler manifolds

Irena HinterleitnerJosef Mikeš — 2013

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper we study fundamental equations of holomorphically projective mappings from manifolds with equiaffine connection onto (pseudo-) Kähler manifolds with respect to the smoothness class of connection and metrics. We show that holomorphically projective mappings preserve the smoothness class of connections and metrics.

Equipping distributions for linear distribution

Marina F. GrebenyukJosef Mikeš — 2007

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

In this paper there are discussed the three-component distributions of affine space A n + 1 . Functions { σ } , which are introduced in the neighborhood of the second order, determine the normal of the first kind of -distribution in every center of -distribution. There are discussed too normals { 𝒵 σ } and quasi-tensor of the second order { 𝒮 σ } . In the same way bunches of the projective normals of the first kind of the -distributions were determined in the differential neighborhood of the second and third order.

On F 2 ε -planar mappings of (pseudo-) Riemannian manifolds

Irena HinterleitnerJosef MikešPatrik Peška — 2014

Archivum Mathematicum

We study special F -planar mappings between two n -dimensional (pseudo-) Riemannian manifolds. In 2003 Topalov introduced P Q ε -projectivity of Riemannian metrics, ε 1 , 1 + n . Later these mappings were studied by Matveev and Rosemann. They found that for ε = 0 they are projective. We show that P Q ε -projective equivalence corresponds to a special case of F -planar mapping studied by Mikeš and Sinyukov (1983) and F 2 -planar mappings (Mikeš, 1994), with F = Q . Moreover, the tensor P is derived from the tensor Q and the non-zero...

From infinitesimal harmonic transformations to Ricci solitons

Sergey E. StepanovIrina I. TsyganokJosef Mikeš — 2013

Mathematica Bohemica

The concept of the Ricci soliton was introduced by R. S. Hamilton. The Ricci soliton is defined by a vector field and it is a natural generalization of the Einstein metric. We have shown earlier that the vector field of the Ricci soliton is an infinitesimal harmonic transformation. In our paper, we survey Ricci solitons geometry as an application of the theory of infinitesimal harmonic transformations.

On Almost Generalized Weakly Symmetric Kenmotsu Manifolds

Kanak Kanti BaishyaPartha Roy ChowdhuryJosef MikešPatrik Peška — 2016

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

This paper aims to introduce the notions of an almost generalized weakly symmetric Kenmotsu manifolds and an almost generalized weakly Ricci-symmetric Kenmotsu manifolds. The existence of an almost generalized weakly symmetric Kenmotsu manifold is ensured by a non-trivial example.

On holomorphically projective mappings from equiaffine generally recurrent spaces onto Kählerian spaces

Raad J. K. al LamiMarie ŠkodováJosef Mikeš — 2006

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper we consider holomorphically projective mappings from the special generally recurrent equiaffine spaces A n onto (pseudo-) Kählerian spaces K ¯ n . We proved that these spaces A n do not admit nontrivial holomorphically projective mappings onto K ¯ n . These results are a generalization of results by T. Sakaguchi, J. Mikeš and V. V. Domashev, which were done for holomorphically projective mappings of symmetric, recurrent and semisymmetric Kählerian spaces.

On holomorphically projective mappings onto Kählerian spaces

Mikeš, JosefPokorná, Olga — 2002

Proceedings of the 21st Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

The main result of this paper determines a system of linear partial differential equations of Cauchy type whose solutions correspond exactly to holomorphically projective mappings of a given equiaffine space onto a Kählerian space. The special case of constant holomorphic curvature is also studied.

On Uniqueness Theoremsfor Ricci Tensor

Marina B. KhripunovaSergey E. StepanovIrina I. TsyganokJosef Mikeš — 2016

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

In Riemannian geometry the prescribed Ricci curvature problem is as follows: given a smooth manifold M and a symmetric 2-tensor r , construct a metric on M whose Ricci tensor equals r . In particular, DeTurck and Koiso proved the following celebrated result: the Ricci curvature uniquely determines the Levi-Civita connection on any compact Einstein manifold with non-negative section curvature. In the present paper we generalize the result of DeTurck and Koiso for a Riemannian manifold with non-negative...

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