Displaying similar documents to “The generalized Hodge and Bloch conjectures are equivalent for general complete intersections”

Thompson’s conjecture for the alternating group of degree 2 p and 2 p + 1

Azam Babai, Ali Mahmoudifar (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


For a finite group G denote by N ( G ) the set of conjugacy class sizes of G . In 1980s, J. G. Thompson posed the following conjecture: If L is a finite nonabelian simple group, G is a finite group with trivial center and N ( G ) = N ( L ) , then G L . We prove this conjecture for an infinite class of simple groups. Let p be an odd prime. We show that every finite group G with the property Z ( G ) = 1 and N ( G ) = N ( A i ) is necessarily isomorphic to A i , where i { 2 p , 2 p + 1 } .

A variation of Thompson's conjecture for the symmetric groups

Mahdi Abedei, Ali Iranmanesh, Farrokh Shirjian (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let G be a finite group and let N ( G ) denote the set of conjugacy class sizes of G . Thompson’s conjecture states that if G is a centerless group and S is a non-abelian simple group satisfying N ( G ) = N ( S ) , then G S . In this paper, we investigate a variation of this conjecture for some symmetric groups under a weaker assumption. In particular, it is shown that G Sym ( p + 1 ) if and only if | G | = ( p + 1 ) ! and G has a special conjugacy class of size ( p + 1 ) ! / p , where p > 5 is a prime number. Consequently, if G is a centerless group with N ( G ) = N ( Sym ( p + 1 ) ) , then...

Characterization of the alternating groups by their order and one conjugacy class length

Alireza Khalili Asboei, Reza Mohammadyari (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let G be a finite group, and let N ( G ) be the set of conjugacy class sizes of G . By Thompson’s conjecture, if L is a finite non-abelian simple group, G is a finite group with a trivial center, and N ( G ) = N ( L ) , then L and G are isomorphic. Recently, Chen et al. contributed interestingly to Thompson’s conjecture under a weak condition. They only used the group order and one or two special conjugacy class sizes of simple groups and characterized successfully sporadic simple groups (see Li’s PhD dissertation)....

Invariance of the parity conjecture for p -Selmer groups of elliptic curves in a D 2 p n -extension

Thomas de La Rochefoucauld (2011)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


We show a p -parity result in a D 2 p n -extension of number fields L / K ( p 5 ) for the twist 1 η τ : W ( E / K , 1 η τ ) = ( - 1 ) 1 η τ , X p ( E / L ) , where E is an elliptic curve over K , η and τ are respectively the quadratic character and an irreductible representation of degree 2 of Gal ( L / K ) = D 2 p n , and X p ( E / L ) is the p -Selmer group. The main novelty is that we use a congruence result between ε 0 -factors (due to Deligne) for the determination of local root numbers in bad cases (places of additive reduction above 2 and 3). We also give applications to the p -parity conjecture...

Recognition of some families of finite simple groups by order and set of orders of vanishing elements

Maryam Khatami, Azam Babai (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let G be a finite group. An element g G is called a vanishing element if there exists an irreducible complex character χ of G such that χ ( g ) = 0 . Denote by Vo ( G ) the set of orders of vanishing elements of G . Ghasemabadi, Iranmanesh, Mavadatpour (2015), in their paper presented the following conjecture: Let G be a finite group and M a finite nonabelian simple group such that Vo ( G ) = Vo ( M ) and | G | = | M | . Then G M . We answer in affirmative this conjecture for M = S z ( q ) , where q = 2 2 n + 1 and either q - 1 , q - 2 q + 1 or q + 2 q + 1 is a prime number, and M = F 4 ( q ) , where...

The local lifting problem for actions of finite groups on curves

Ted Chinburg, Robert Guralnick, David Harbater (2011)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 0 . We study obstructions to lifting to characteristic 0 the faithful continuous action φ of a finite group G on k [ [ t ] ] . To each such  φ a theorem of Katz and Gabber associates an action of G on a smooth projective curve Y over k . We say that the KGB obstruction of φ vanishes if G acts on a smooth projective curve X in characteristic  0 in such a way that X / H and Y / H have the same genus for all subgroups H G . We determine for which G the KGB...

On a conjecture of Dekking : The sum of digits of even numbers

Iurie Boreico, Daniel El-Baz, Thomas Stoll (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


Let q 2 and denote by s q the sum-of-digits function in base q . For j = 0 , 1 , , q - 1 consider # { 0 n < N : s q ( 2 n ) j ( mod q ) } . In 1983, F. M. Dekking conjectured that this quantity is greater than N / q and, respectively, less than N / q for infinitely many N , thereby claiming an absence of a drift (or Newman) phenomenon. In this paper we prove his conjecture.

Purity of level m stratifications

Marc-Hubert Nicole, Adrian Vasiu, Torsten Wedhorn (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let k be a field of characteristic p > 0 . Let D m be a BT m over k (i.e., an m -truncated Barsotti–Tate group over k ). Let S be a k -scheme and let X be a BT m over S . Let S D m ( X ) be the subscheme of S which describes the locus where X is locally for the fppf topology isomorphic to D m . If p 5 , we show that S D m ( X ) is pure in S , i.e. the immersion S D m ( X ) S is affine. For p { 2 , 3 } , we prove purity if D m satisfies a certain technical property depending only on its p -torsion D m [ p ] . For p 5 , we apply the developed techniques to show that...

On the domination of triangulated discs

Noor A'lawiah Abd Aziz, Nader Jafari Rad, Hailiza Kamarulhaili (2023)

Mathematica Bohemica


Let G be a 3 -connected triangulated disc of order n with the boundary cycle C of the outer face of G . Tokunaga (2013) conjectured that G has a dominating set of cardinality at most 1 4 ( n + 2 ) . This conjecture is proved in Tokunaga (2020) for G - C being a tree. In this paper we prove the above conjecture for G - C being a unicyclic graph. We also deduce some bounds for the double domination number, total domination number and double total domination number in triangulated discs.

𝒞 k -regularity for the ¯ -equation with a support condition

Shaban Khidr, Osama Abdelkader (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let D be a 𝒞 d q -convex intersection, d 2 , 0 q n - 1 , in a complex manifold X of complex dimension n , n 2 , and let E be a holomorphic vector bundle of rank N over X . In this paper, 𝒞 k -estimates, k = 2 , 3 , , , for solutions to the ¯ -equation with small loss of smoothness are obtained for E -valued ( 0 , s ) -forms on D when n - q s n . In addition, we solve the ¯ -equation with a support condition in 𝒞 k -spaces. More precisely, we prove that for a ¯ -closed form f in 𝒞 0 , q k ( X D , E ) , 1 q n - 2 , n 3 , with compact support and for ε with 0 < ε < 1 there...

The Ramsey numbers for some subgraphs of generalized wheels versus cycles and paths

Halina Bielak, Kinga Dąbrowska (2015)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica


The Ramsey number R ( G , H ) for a pair of graphs G and H is defined as the smallest integer n such that, for any graph F on n vertices, either F contains G or F ¯ contains H as a subgraph, where F ¯ denotes the complement of F . We study Ramsey numbers for some subgraphs of generalized wheels versus cycles and paths and determine these numbers for some cases. We extend many known results studied in [5, 14, 18, 19, 20]. In particular we count the numbers R ( K 1 + L n , P m ) and R ( K 1 + L n , C m ) for some integers m , n , where L n is...

Sum-product theorems and incidence geometry

Mei-Chu Chang, Jozsef Solymosi (2007)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


In this paper we prove the following theorems in incidence geometry. 1. There is δ > 0 such that for any P 1 , , P 4 , and Q 1 , , Q n 2 , if there are n ( 1 + δ ) / 2 many distinct lines between P i and Q j for all i , j , then P 1 , , P 4 are collinear. If the number of the distinct lines is < c n 1 / 2 then the cross ratio of the four points is algebraic. 2. Given c > 0 , there is δ > 0 such that for any P 1 , P 2 , P 3 2 noncollinear, and Q 1 , , Q n 2 , if there are c n 1 / 2 many distinct lines between P i and Q j for all i , j , then for any P 2 { P 1 , P 2 , P 3 } , we have δ n distinct lines between P and Q j . 3. Given...

On the Picard number of divisors in Fano manifolds

Cinzia Casagrande (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let  X be a complex Fano manifold of arbitrary dimension, and D a prime divisor in  X . We consider the image 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) of  𝒩 1 ( D ) in  𝒩 1 ( X ) under the natural push-forward of 1 -cycles. We show that ρ X - ρ D codim 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) 8 . Moreover if codim 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) 3 , then either X S × T where S is a Del Pezzo surface, or codim 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) = 3 and X has a fibration in Del Pezzo surfaces onto a Fano manifold T such that ρ X - ρ T = 4 .

Equivalence bundles over a finite group and strong Morita equivalence for unital inclusions of unital C * -algebras

Kazunori Kodaka (2022)

Mathematica Bohemica


Let 𝒜 = { A t } t G and = { B t } t G be C * -algebraic bundles over a finite group G . Let C = t G A t and D = t G B t . Also, let A = A e and B = B e , where e is the unit element in G . We suppose that C and D are unital and A and B have the unit elements in C and D , respectively. In this paper, we show that if there is an equivalence 𝒜 - -bundle over G with some properties, then the unital inclusions of unital C * -algebras A C and B D induced by 𝒜 and are strongly Morita equivalent. Also, we suppose that 𝒜 and are saturated and that A ' C = 𝐂 1 . We show that...