Displaying 421 – 440 of 1305

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Hercules versus Hidden Hydra Helper

Jiří Matoušek, Martin Loebl (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

L. Kirby and J. Paris introduced the Hercules and Hydra game on rooted trees as a natural example of an undecidable statement in Peano Arithmetic. One can show that Hercules has a “short” strategy (he wins in a primitively recursive number of moves) and also a “long” strategy (the finiteness of the game cannot be proved in Peano Arithmetic). We investigate the conflict of the “short” and “long” intentions (a problem suggested by J. Nešetřil). After each move of Hercules (trying to kill Hydra fast)...

Holland’s theorem for pseudo-effect algebras

Anatolij Dvurečenskij (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We give two variations of the Holland representation theorem for -groups and of its generalization of Glass for directed interpolation po-groups as groups of automorphisms of a linearly ordered set or of an antilattice, respectively. We show that every pseudo-effect algebra with some kind of the Riesz decomposition property as well as any pseudo M V -algebra can be represented as a pseudo-effect algebra or as a pseudo M V -algebra of automorphisms of some antilattice or of some linearly ordered set.

Homography in ℝℙ

Roland Coghetto (2016)

Formalized Mathematics

The real projective plane has been formalized in Isabelle/HOL by Timothy Makarios [13] and in Coq by Nicolas Magaud, Julien Narboux and Pascal Schreck [12]. Some definitions on the real projective spaces were introduced early in the Mizar Mathematical Library by Wojciech Leonczuk [9], Krzysztof Prazmowski [10] and by Wojciech Skaba [18]. In this article, we check with the Mizar system [4], some properties on the determinants and the Grassmann-Plücker relation in rank 3 [2], [1], [7], [16], [17]....

How to make your logic fuzzy.

Dov M. Gabbay (1996)

Mathware and Soft Computing

The aim of this paper is to provide a methodology for turning a known crisp logic into a fuzzy system. We require of the methodology that it be meaningful in general terms, using processes which are independent of the notion of fuzziness, and that it yield a considerable number of known fuzzy systems.

Hypersequents and fuzzy logic.

Dov Gabbay, George Metcalfe, Nicola Olivetti (2004)


Fuzzy logics based on t-norms and their residua have been investigated extensively from a semantic perspective but a unifying proof theory for these logics has, until recently, been lacking. In this paper we survey results of the authors and others which show that a suitable proof-theoretic framework for fuzzy logics is provided by hypersequents, a natural generalization of Gentzen-style sequents. In particular we present hypersequent calculi for the logic of left-continuous t-norms MTL and related...

Idealized coinductive type systems for imperative object-oriented programs

Davide Ancona, Giovanni Lagorio (2011)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

In recent work we have proposed a novel approach to define idealized type systems for object-oriented languages, based on abstract compilation of programs into Horn formulas which are interpreted w.r.t. the coinductive (that is, the greatest) Herbrand model. In this paper we investigate how this approach can be applied also in the presence of imperative features. This is made possible by considering a natural translation of Static Single Assignment intermediate form programs into Horn formulas,...

Idealized coinductive type systems for imperative object-oriented programs

Davide Ancona, Giovanni Lagorio (2011)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

In recent work we have proposed a novel approach to define idealized type systems for object-oriented languages, based on abstract compilation of programs into Horn formulas which are interpreted w.r.t. the coinductive (that is, the greatest) Herbrand model. In this paper we investigate how this approach can be applied also in the presence of imperative features. This is made possible by considering a natural translation of Static Single Assignment intermediate form programs into Horn formulas,...

Incomparability with respect to the triangular order

Emel Aşıcı, Funda Karaçal (2016)


In this paper, we define the set of incomparable elements with respect to the triangular order for any t-norm on a bounded lattice. By means of the triangular order, an equivalence relation on the class of t-norms on a bounded lattice is defined and this equivalence is deeply investigated. Finally, we discuss some properties of this equivalence.

Currently displaying 421 – 440 of 1305