On -categorical theories of fields
The paper is a continuation of an earlier one where we developed a theory of active and non-active infinitesimals and intended to establish quantifier elimination in quasianalytic structures. That article, however, did not attain full generality, which refers to one of its results, namely the theorem on an active infinitesimal, playing an essential role in our non-standard analysis. The general case was covered in our subsequent preprint, which constitutes a basis for the approach presented here....
This paper investigates the geometry of the expansion of the real field ℝ by restricted quasianalytic functions. The main purpose is to establish quantifier elimination, description of definable functions by terms, the valuation property and preparation theorem (in the sense of Parusiński-Lion-Rolin). To this end, we study non-standard models of the universal diagram T of in the language ℒ augmented by the names of rational powers. Our approach makes no appeal to the Weierstrass preparation...
This paper presents several theorems on the rectilinearization of functions definable by a convergent Weierstrass system, as well as their applications to decomposition into special cubes and quantifier elimination.
We show that the first order structure whose underlying universe is ℂ and whose basic relations are all algebraic subsets of ℂ² does not have quantifier elimination. Since an algebraic subset of ℂ² is either of dimension ≤ 1 or has a complement of dimension ≤ 1, one can restate the former result as a failure of quantifier elimination for planar complex algebraic curves. We then prove that removing the planarity hypothesis suffices to recover quantifier elimination: the structure with the universe...
We show that the field of rational numbers is not definable by a universal formula in Zilber's pseudo-exponential field.