“Hidden variables” on concrete logics (extensions)
The infimum of elements a and b of a Hilbert algebra are said to be the compatible meet of a and b, if the elements a and b are compatible in a certain strict sense. The subject of the paper will be Hilbert algebras equipped with the compatible meet operation, which normally is partial. A partial lower semilattice is shown to be a reduct of such an expanded Hilbert algebra i ?both algebras have the same ?lters.An expanded Hilbert algebra is actually an implicative partial semilattice (i.e., a relative...
We give two variations of the Holland representation theorem for -groups and of its generalization of Glass for directed interpolation po-groups as groups of automorphisms of a linearly ordered set or of an antilattice, respectively. We show that every pseudo-effect algebra with some kind of the Riesz decomposition property as well as any pseudo -algebra can be represented as a pseudo-effect algebra or as a pseudo -algebra of automorphisms of some antilattice or of some linearly ordered set.
The variety of basic algebras is closed under formation of horizontal sums. We characterize when a given basic algebra is a horizontal sum of chains, MV-algebras or Boolean algebras.
Characterizations of IF-filters of a pseudo-BL-algebra are established. Some related properties are investigated. The notation of prime IF- filters and a characterization of a pseudo-BL-chain are given. Homomorphisms of IF-filters and direct product of IF-filters are studied.
We introduce the concepts of pre-implication algebra and implication algebra based on orthosemilattices which generalize the concepts of implication algebra, orthoimplication algebra defined by J.C. Abbott [2] and orthomodular implication algebra introduced by the author with his collaborators. For our algebras we get new axiom systems compatible with that of an implication algebra. This unified approach enables us to compare the mentioned algebras and apply a unified treatment of congruence properties....
A term operation implication is introduced in a given basic algebra and properties of the implication reduct of are treated. We characterize such implication basic algebras and get congruence properties of the variety of these algebras. A term operation equivalence is introduced later and properties of this operation are described. It is shown how this operation is related with the induced partial order of and, if this partial order is linear, the algebra can be reconstructed by means of...
In this note we first define the notions of (weak, strong) implicative hyper -algebras. Then we show by examples that these notions are different. After that we state and prove some theorems which determine the relationship between these notions and (weak) hyper -ideals. Also we obtain some relations between these notions and (weak) implicative hyper -ideals. Finally, we study the implicative hyper -algebras of order 3, in particular we obtain a relationship between the positive implicative...
We answer several questions of D. Monk by showing that every maximal family of pairwise incomparable elements of 𝒫(ω)/fin has size continuum, while it is consistent with the negation of the Continuum Hypothesis that there are maximal subtrees of both 𝒫(ω) and 𝒫(ω)/fin of size ω₁.
Topological Boolean algebras are generalizations of topological spaces defined by means of topological closure and interior operators, respectively. The authors in [14] generalized topological Boolean algebras to closure and interior operators of MV-algebras which are an algebraic counterpart of the Łukasiewicz infinite valued logic. In the paper, these kinds of operators are extended (and investigated) to the wide class of bounded commutative Rl-monoids that contains e.g. the classes of BL-algebras...
Bounded integral residuated lattices form a large class of algebras containing some classes of algebras behind many valued and fuzzy logics. In the paper we introduce and investigate multiplicative interior and additive closure operators (mi- and ac-operators) generalizing topological interior and closure operators on such algebras. We describe connections between mi- and ac-operators, and for residuated lattices with Glivenko property we give connections between operators on them and on the residuated...
-algebras endowed with additive closure operators or with its duals-multiplicative interior operators (closure or interior -algebras) were introduced as a non-commutative generalization of topological Boolean algebras. In the paper, the multiplicative interior and additive closure operators on -monoids are introduced as natural generalizations of the multiplicative interior and additive closure operators on -algebras.