Le lien entre la logique et la géométrie via les esquisses
Le spectre d'un anneau dans l'algèbre constructive et applications à la dimension
Lectures on cylindric set algebras
Les algèbres de Heyting-Brouwer : point de rencontre de plusieurs structures
Letter to the editor: Consistency of LPC+Ch
In his paper [Kybernetika 31, No. 1, 99–106 (1995; Zbl 0857.03042)], E. Turunen says in the corollary on p. 106: “Notice that the third last line on page 195 in [J. K. Mattila, “Modifier logic”, in: J. Kacprzyk (ed.) et al., Fuzzy logic for the management of uncertainty. New York: Wiley. 191–209 (1992)] stating that LPC+Ch calculus is consistent is not correct.” The system LPC+Ch is consistent, which can be seen quite trivially.
Lex-ideals of DR-monoids and GMV-algebras
�?lgebras de Hilbert n-valentes
Löb operators and interior operators
Localic completion of generalized metric spaces I.
Logical Aggregation Based on Interpolative Boolean Algebra.
Logical cover spaces
Logically orientated cluster analysis
Logics with separating sets of measures
Logique, catégories et faisceaux
Logique de la géométrie algébrique
Logique trivalente de Lukasiewicz
Lògiques distributives i booleanes.
Continuing the study of different types of Abstract Logics [5], and following works by Brown-Bloom [1] and Brown-Suszko [2], we analyze in this paper some logics in which, if we identify equivalent formulae by means of the consequence operator, we obtain distributive lattices or Boolean algebras.
Lorenzen's theorem for pseudo-effect algebras
L'universalité des semi-fonctions récursives universelles