Intersection graphs of trees and tree algebras
The concept of a line digraph is generalized to that of a directed path graph. The directed path graph Pₖ(D) of a digraph D is obtained by representing the directed paths on k vertices of D by vertices. Two vertices are joined by an arc whenever the corresponding directed paths in D form a directed path on k+1 vertices or form a directed cycle on k vertices in D. In this introductory paper several properties of P₃(D) are studied, in particular with respect to isomorphism and traversability. In our...
On considère un graphe complet dont les arêtes sont totalement préordonnées. En analyse de similitude, plutôt que de procéder à un ordonnancement des arêtes ex oequo par une méthode lexicographique sur leurs intitulés, l'auteur propose de rechercher la réunion des arbres maximaux (RAM).