Displaying 61 – 80 of 593

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Arbology: Trees and pushdown automata

Bořivoj Melichar, Jan Janoušek, Tomas Flouri (2012)


We present a unified and systematic approach to basic principles of Arbology, a new algorithmic discipline focusing on algorithms on trees. Stringology, a highly developed algorithmic discipline in the area of string processing, can use finite automata as its basic model of computation. For various kinds of linear notations of ranked and unranked ordered trees it holds that subtrees of a tree in a linear notation are substrings of the tree in the linear notation. Arbology uses pushdown automata...

Arbres minimals i arbres de Steiner en la mètrica rectilínea.

Josep M. Basart, Llorenç Huguet (1988)


Usando la métrica rectilínea (oL1) se tratan algunos aspectos del problema clásico de hallar el árbol de coste mínimo que enlaza un conjunto dado de P puntos en el plano.En primer lugar se recuerdan las propiedades fundamentales de los árboles de Steiner dado que éstos son la solución general al problema enunciado. A partir de unas observaciones sobre la acotación de su longitud máxima cuando P se halla en el interior de un cuadrado Q de lado unidad, se obtiene -para el mismo caso- una cota superior...

Bounds on global secure sets in cactus trees

Katarzyna Jesse-Józefczyk (2012)

Open Mathematics

Let G = (V, E) be a graph. A global secure set SD ⊆ V is a dominating set which satisfies the condition: for all X ⊆ SD, |N[X] ∩ SD| ≥ | N[X] − SD|. A global defensive alliance is a set of vertices A that is dominating and satisfies a weakened condition: for all x ∈ A, |N[x] ∩ A| ≥ |N[x] − A|. We give an upper bound on the cardinality of minimum global secure sets in cactus trees. We also present some results for trees, and we relate them to the known bounds on the minimum cardinality of global...

Branching random walks on binary search trees: convergence of the occupation measure

Eric Fekete (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider branching random walks with binary search trees as underlying trees. We show that the occupation measure of the branching random walk, up to some scaling factors, converges weakly to a deterministic measure. The limit depends on the stable law whose domain of attraction contains the law of the increments. The existence of such stable law is our fundamental hypothesis. As a consequence, using a one-to-one correspondence between binary trees and plane trees, we give a description of the...

Capacités de Choquet finies et profinies

Pablo Dartnell, Gérard Michon (1998)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On définit les capacités de Choquet dans le cas fini en utilisant une forme bilinéaire non dégénérée associée à la base de Choquet. On montre que, dans le cas fini, une capacité de Choquet est la donnée d’un convexe de mesure qu’on caractérise. Le cas profini, issu des arbres, est obtenu par passage à la limite projective du cas fini. Sur les capacités profinies, on définit une forme bilinéaire dont le rapport avec l’intégration, dans des cas simples, est étudié.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 593