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D -posets

František Kôpka, Ferdinand Chovanec (1994)

Mathematica Slovaca

Definition of Flat Poset and Existence Theorems for Recursive Call

Kazuhisa Ishida, Yasunari Shidama, Adam Grabowski (2014)

Formalized Mathematics

This text includes the definition and basic notions of product of posets, chain-complete and flat posets, flattening operation, and the existence theorems of recursive call using the flattening operator. First part of the article, devoted to product and flat posets has a purely mathematical quality. Definition 3 allows to construct a flat poset from arbitrary non-empty set [12] in order to provide formal apparatus which eanbles to work with recursive calls within the Mizar langauge. To achieve this...

Definitions of finiteness based on order properties

Omar De la Cruz, Damir D. Dzhafarov, Eric J. Hall (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A definition of finiteness is a set-theoretical property of a set that, if the Axiom of Choice (AC) is assumed, is equivalent to stating that the set is finite; several such definitions have been studied over the years. In this article we introduce a framework for generating definitions of finiteness in a systematical way: basic definitions are obtained from properties of certain classes of binary relations, and further definitions are obtained from the basic ones by closing them under subsets...

Definizione dei clan binari e loro classificazione

Mario Servi (1998)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

L’albero binario (libero) è una struttura analoga a quella dei numeri naturali (standard), salvo che ci sono due operazioni di successivo. Nello studio degli alberi binari non standard, si ha bisogno di strutture ordinate che stiano a quella di albero binario libero come la struttura (ordinata) Z sta ad N. Si introducono perciò i clan binari e se ne studiano le classi di isomorfismo. Si dimostra che esse sono determinate dalle classi di similitudine delle successioni numerabili di 2 elementi, avendo...

Dense subsets of ordered sets

Vítězslav Novák, Lidmila Vránová (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

Some modifications of the definition of density of subsets in ordered (= partially ordered) sets are given and the corresponding concepts are compared.

Determinants of matrices associated with incidence functions on posets

Shaofang Hong, Qi Sun (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let S = { x 1 , , x n } be a finite subset of a partially ordered set P . Let f be an incidence function of P . Let [ f ( x i x j ) ] denote the n × n matrix having f evaluated at the meet x i x j of x i and x j as its i , j -entry and [ f ( x i x j ) ] denote the n × n matrix having f evaluated at the join x i x j of x i and x j as its i , j -entry. The set S is said to be meet-closed if x i x j S for all 1 i , j n . In this paper we get explicit combinatorial formulas for the determinants of matrices [ f ( x i x j ) ] and [ f ( x i x j ) ] on any meet-closed set S . We also obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the matrices...

Determining c₀ in C(𝒦) spaces

S. A. Argyros, V. Kanellopoulos (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For a countable compact metric space and a seminormalized weakly null sequence (fₙ)ₙ in C() we provide some upper bounds for the norm of the vectors in the linear span of a subsequence of (fₙ)ₙ. These bounds depend on the complexity of and also on the sequence (fₙ)ₙ itself. Moreover, we introduce the class of c₀-hierarchies. We prove that for every α < ω₁, every normalized weakly null sequence (fₙ)ₙ in C ( ω ω α ) and every c₀-hierarchy generated by (fₙ)ₙ, there exists β ≤ α such that a sequence of β-blocks...

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