Displaying 21 – 40 of 995

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A decomposition of homomorphic images of nearlattices

Ivan Chajda, Miroslav Kolařík (2006)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

By a nearlattice is meant a join-semilattice where every principal filter is a lattice with respect to the induced order. The aim of our paper is to show for which nearlattice 𝒮 and its element c the mapping ϕ c ( x ) = x c , x p c is a (surjective, injective) homomorphism of 𝒮 into [ c ) × ( c ] .

A family of 2 1 logarithmic functions of distinct growth rates

Salma Kuhlmann (2010)

Open Mathematics

We construct a totally ordered set Γ of positive infinite germs (i.e. germs of positive real-valued functions that tend to +∞), with order type being the lexicographic product ℵ1 × ℤ2. We show that Γ admits 2 1 order preserving automorphisms of pairwise distinct growth rates.

A finite word poset.

Erdős, Péter L., Sziklai, Péter, Torney, David C. (2001)

The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]

A glimpse of deductive systems in algebra

Dumitru Buşneag, Sergiu Rudeanu (2010)

Open Mathematics

The concept of a deductive system has been intensively studied in algebraic logic, per se and in connection with various types of filters. In this paper we introduce an axiomatization which shows how several resembling theorems that had been separately proved for various algebras of logic can be given unique proofs within this axiomatic framework. We thus recapture theorems already known in the literature, as well as new ones. As a by-product we introduce the class of pre-BCK algebras.

A metric on a system of ordered sets

Alfonz Haviar, Pavel Klenovčan (1996)

Mathematica Bohemica

In [3] a metric on a system of isomorphism classes of ordered sets was defined. In this paper we define another metric on the same system and investigate some of its properties. Our approach is motivated by a problem from practice.

A note on Möbius inversion over power set lattices

Klaus Dohmen (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper, we establish a theorem on Möbius inversion over power set lattices which strongly generalizes an early result of Whitney on graph colouring.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 995