Classes équationnelles de treillis orthomodulaires liées aux états
We define and study classification systems in an arbitrary CJ-generated complete lattice L. Introducing a partial order among the classification systems of L, we obtain a complete lattice denoted by Cls(L). By using the elements of the classification systems, another lattice is also constructed: the box lattice B(L) of L. We show that B(L) is an atomistic complete lattice, moreover Cls(L)=Cls(B(L)). If B(L) is a pseudocomplemented lattice, then every classification system of L is independent and...
Let be a uniformly closed and locally m-convex -algebra. We obtain internal conditions on stated in terms of its closed ideals for to be isomorphic and homeomorphic to , the -algebra of all the real continuous functions on a normal topological space endowed with the compact convergence topology.
We investigate the variety of residuated lattices with a commutative and idempotent monoid reduct.
Posets with property DINT which are compact pospaces with respect to the interval topologies are characterized.