Quelques propriétés des anneaux dont un sous-demi-groupe multiplicatif est un -demi-groupe
In this paper, we first investigate some properties of the hyper pseudo BCK-algebras. Then we define the concepts of strong and reflexive hyper pseudo BCK-ideals and establish some relationships among them and the other types of hyper pseudo BCK-ideals. Also, we introduce the notion of regular congruence relation on hyper pseudo BCK-algebras and investigate some related properties. By using this relation, we construct the quotient hyper pseudo BCK-algebra and give some related results.
We introduce the notion of weak dually residuated lattice ordered semigroups (WDRL-semigroups) and investigate the relation between -algebras and WDRL-semigroups. We prove that the category of -algebras is equivalent to the category of some bounded WDRL-semigroups. Moreover, the connection between WDRL-semigroups and DRL-semigroups is studied.
It follows from Stone Duality that Hochster's results on the relation between spectral spaces and prime spectra of rings translate into analogous, formally stronger results concerning coherent frames and frames of radical ideals of rings. Here, we show that the latter can actually be obtained without Stone Duality, proving them in Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory and thereby sharpening the original results of Hochster.
Lattices in the class of algebraic, distributive lattices whose compact elements form relatively normal lattices are investigated. We deal mainly with the lattices in the greatest element of which is compact. The distributive radicals of algebraic lattices are introduced and for the lattices in with the sublattice of compact elements satisfying the conditional join-infinite distributive law they are compared with two other kinds of radicals. Connections between complete distributivity of algebraic...
MM functions, formed by finite composition of the operators min, max and translation, represent discrete-event systems involving disjunction, conjunction and delay. The paper shows how they may be formulated as homogeneous rational algebraic functions of degree one, over (max, +) algebra, and reviews the properties of such homogeneous functions, illustrated by some orbit-stability problems.
We introduce rational semimodules over semirings whose addition is idempotent, like the max-plus semiring, in order to extend the geometric approach of linear control to discrete event systems. We say that a subsemimodule of the free semimodule over a semiring is rational if it has a generating family that is a rational subset of , being thought of as a monoid under the entrywise product. We show that for various semirings of max-plus type whose elements are integers, rational semimodules...