Displaying 1021 – 1040 of 1272

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The 𝒜 r -free products of archimedean l -groups

Dao Rong Tong (1998)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The objective of this paper is to give two descriptions of the 𝒜 r -free products of archimedean -groups and to establish some properties for the 𝒜 r -free products. Specifically, it is proved that 𝒜 r -free products satisfy the weak subalgebra property.

The Redfield topology on some groups of continuous functions.

Nadal Batle Nicolau, Josep Grané Manlleu (1977)


The Redfield topology on the space of real-valued continuous functions on a topological space is studied (we call it R-topology for short). The R-neighbourhoods are described relating them to the connectedness for the carriers. The main results are: If the space is totally disconnected without isolated points, the R-topology is not discrete. Under suitable conditions on the space, R-convergence implies pointwise or uniform convergence. Under some restrictions, R-convergence for a net implies that...

The structure of idempotent residuated chains

Wei Chen, Xian Zhong Zhao (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we study some special residuated lattices, namely, idempotent residuated chains. After giving some properties of Green’s relation 𝒟 on the monoid reduct of an idempotent residuated chain, we establish a structure theorem for idempotent residuated chains. As an application, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for a band with an identity to be the monoid reduct of some idempotent residuated chain. Finally, based on the structure theorem for idempotent residuated chains, we obtain...

The structure of transitive ordered permutation groups

Zhu, Zuo-Tong, Huang Zhenyu (1999)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We give some necessary and sufficient conditions for transitive l -permutation groups to be 2 -transitive. We also discuss primitive components and give necessary and sufficient conditions for transitive l -permutation groups to be normal-valued.

The triadjoint of an orthosymmetric bimorphism

Mohamed Ali Toumi (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let A and B be two Archimedean vector lattices and let ( A ' ) n ' and ( B ' ) n ' be their order continuous order biduals. If Ψ : A × A B is a positive orthosymmetric bimorphism, then the triadjoint Ψ * * * : ( A ' ) n ' × ( A ' ) n ' ( B ' ) n ' of Ψ is inevitably orthosymmetric. This leads to a new and short proof of the commutativity of almost f -algebras.

The σ -property in C ( X )

Anthony W. Hager (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The σ -property of a Riesz space (real vector lattice) B is: For each sequence { b n } of positive elements of B , there is a sequence { λ n } of positive reals, and b B , with λ n b n b for each n . This condition is involved in studies in Riesz spaces of abstract Egoroff-type theorems, and of the countable lifting property. Here, we examine when “ σ ” obtains for a Riesz space of continuous real-valued functions C ( X ) . A basic result is: For discrete X , C ( X ) has σ iff the cardinal | X | < 𝔟 , Rothberger’s bounding number. Consequences and...

Topological automorphism groups of chains.

Sergei V. Ovchinnikov (2001)

Mathware and Soft Computing

It is shown that any set-open topology on the automorphism group A(X) of a chain X coincides with the pointwise topology and that A(X) is a topological group with respect to this topology. Topological properties of connectedness and compactness in A(X) are investigated. In particular, it is shown that the automorphism group of a doubly homogeneous chain is generated by any neighborhood of the identity element.

Topological characterizations of ordered groups with quasi-divisor theory

Jiří Močkoř (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For an order embedding G h Γ of a partly ordered group G into an l -group Γ a topology 𝒯 W ^ is introduced on Γ which is defined by a family of valuations W on G . Some density properties of sets h ( G ) , h ( X t ) and ( h ( X t ) { h ( g 1 ) , , h ( g n ) } ) ( X t being t -ideals in G ) in the topological space ( Γ , 𝒯 W ^ ) are then investigated, each of them being equivalent to the statement that h is a strong theory of quasi-divisors.

Currently displaying 1021 – 1040 of 1272