Algebras with tolerance extension property in 0
In Universal Algebra, identities are used to classify algebras into collections, called varieties and hyperidentities are use to classify varieties into collections, called hypervarities. The concept of a hypersubstitution is a tool to study hyperidentities and hypervarieties. Generalized hypersubstitutions and strong identities generalize the concepts of a hypersubstitution and of a hyperidentity, respectively. The set of all generalized hypersubstitutions forms a monoid. In...
Characterizations of 'almost associative' binary operations generating a minimal clone are given for two interpretations of the term 'almost associative'. One of them uses the associative spectrum, the other one uses the index of nonassociativity to measure how far an operation is from being associative.
We prove that the interval topology of an Archimedean atomic lattice effect algebra is Hausdorff whenever the set of all atoms of is almost orthogonal. In such a case is order continuous. If moreover is complete then order convergence of nets of elements of is topological and hence it coincides with convergence in the order topology and this topology is compact Hausdorff compatible with a uniformity induced by a separating function family on corresponding to compact and cocompact elements....
We present an algorithm for constructing the free algebra over a given finite partial algebra in the variety determined by a finite list of equations. The algorithm succeeds whenever the desired free algebra is finite.
Usando la teoria del commutatore in algebra universale, si dimostra che una larga classe di algebre di incidenza sono polinomialmente equivalenti a moduli su anelli con divisione.
The present study aimed to introduce -fold interval valued residuated lattice (IVRL for short) filters in triangle algebras. Initially, the notions of -fold (positive) implicative IVRL-extended filters and -fold (positive) implicative triangle algebras were defined. Afterwards, several characterizations of the algebras were presented, and the correlations between the -fold IVRL-extended filters, -fold (positive) implicative algebras, and the Gödel triangle algebra were discussed.
We introduce the concepts of an annihilator and a relative annihilator of a given subset of a BCK-algebra . We prove that annihilators of deductive systems of BCK-algebras are again deductive systems and moreover pseudocomplements in the lattice of all deductive systems on . Moreover, relative annihilators of with respect to are introduced and serve as relative pseudocomplements of w.r.t. in .
Given a groupoid , and , we say that is antiassociative if an only if for all , and are never equal. Generalizing this, is -antiassociative if and only if for all , any two distinct expressions made by putting parentheses in are never equal. We prove that for every , there exist finite groupoids that are -antiassociative. We then generalize this, investigating when other pairs of groupoid terms can be made never equal.