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Charles Hermite’s stroll through the Galois fields

Catherine Goldstein (2011)

Revue d'histoire des mathématiques

Although everything seems to oppose the two mathematicians, Charles Hermite’s role was crucial in the study and diffusion of Évariste Galois’s results in France during the second half of the nineteenth century. The present article examines that part of Hermite’s work explicitly linked to Galois, the reduction of modular equations in particular. It shows how Hermite’s mathematical convictions—concerning effectiveness or the unity of algebra, analysis and arithmetic—shaped his interpretation of Galois...

Class Number Two for Real Quadratic Fields of Richaud-Degert Type

Mollin, R. A. (2009)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 11D09, 11A55, 11C08, 11R11, 11R29; Secondary: 11R65, 11S40; 11R09.This paper contains proofs of conjectures made in [16] on class number 2 and what this author has dubbed the Euler-Rabinowitsch polynomial for real quadratic fields. As well, we complete the list of Richaud-Degert types given in [16] and show how the behaviour of the Euler-Rabinowitsch polynomials and certain continued fraction expansions come into play in the complete determination...

Combinatorial and arithmetical properties of infinite words associated with non-simple quadratic Parry numbers

Lubomíra Balková, Edita Pelantová, Ondřej Turek (2007)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We study some arithmetical and combinatorial properties of β-integers for β being the larger root of the equation x2 = mx - n,m,n ∈ ℵ, m ≥ n +2 ≥ 3. We determine with the accuracy of ± 1 the maximal number of β-fractional positions, which may arise as a result of addition of two β-integers. For the infinite word uβ> coding distances between the consecutive β-integers, we determine precisely also the balance. The word uβ> is the only fixed point of the morphism A → Am-1B and B → Am-n-1B. In...

Comments on the height reducing property

Shigeki Akiyama, Toufik Zaimi (2013)

Open Mathematics

A complex number α is said to satisfy the height reducing property if there is a finite subset, say F, of the ring ℤ of the rational integers such that ℤ[α] = F[α]. This property has been considered by several authors, especially in contexts related to self affine tilings and expansions of real numbers in non-integer bases. We prove that a number satisfying the height reducing property, is an algebraic number whose conjugates, over the field of the rationals, are all of modulus one, or all of modulus...

Comparison of algorithms for calculation of the greatest common divisor of several polynomials

Eckstein, Jiří, Zítko, Jan (2015)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

The computation of the greatest common divisor (GCD) has many applications in several disciplines including computer graphics, image deblurring problem or computing multiple roots of inexact polynomials. In this paper, Sylvester and Bézout matrices are considered for this purpose. The computation is divided into three stages. A rank revealing method is shortly mentioned in the first one and then the algorithms for calculation of an approximation of GCD are formulated. In the final stage the coefficients...

Complete solution of the Diophantine equation x y + y x = z z

Mihai Cipu (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The triples ( x , y , z ) = ( 1 , z z - 1 , z ) , ( x , y , z ) = ( z z - 1 , 1 , z ) , where z , satisfy the equation x y + y x = z z . In this paper it is shown that the same equation has no integer solution with min { x , y , z } > 1 , thus a conjecture put forward by Z. Zhang, J. Luo, P. Z. Yuan (2013) is confirmed.

Complexity of infinite words associated with beta-expansions

Christiane Frougny, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová (2004)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We study the complexity of the infinite word u β associated with the Rényi expansion of 1 in an irrational base β > 1 . When β is the golden ratio, this is the well known Fibonacci word, which is sturmian, and of complexity ( n ) = n + 1 . For β such that d β ( 1 ) = t 1 t 2 t m is finite we provide a simple description of the structure of special factors of the word u β . When t m = 1 we show that ( n ) = ( m - 1 ) n + 1 . In the cases when t 1 = t 2 = = t m - 1 or t 1 > max { t 2 , , t m - 1 } we show that the first difference of the complexity function ( n + 1 ) - ( n ) takes value in { m - 1 , m } for every n , and consequently we determine...

Complexity of infinite words associated with beta-expansions

Christiane Frougny, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We study the complexity of the infinite word uβ associated with the Rényi expansion of 1 in an irrational base β > 1. When β is the golden ratio, this is the well known Fibonacci word, which is Sturmian, and of complexity C(n) = n + 1. For β such that dβ(1) = t1t2...tm is finite we provide a simple description of the structure of special factors of the word uβ. When tm=1 we show that C(n) = (m - 1)n + 1. In the cases when t1 = t2 = ... tm-1or t1 > max{t2,...,tm-1} we show that the first difference of...

Comportement local moyen de la fonction de Brjuno

Michel Balazard, Bruno Martin (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We describe the average behaviour of the Brjuno function Φ in the neighbourhood of any given point of the unit interval. In particular, we show that the Lebesgue set of Φ is the set of Brjuno numbers and we find the asymptotic behaviour of the modulus of continuity of the integral of Φ.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 110