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Digit sets of integral self-affine tiles with prime determinant

Jian-Lin Li (2006)

Studia Mathematica

Let M ∈ Mₙ(ℤ) be expanding such that |det(M)| = p is a prime and pℤⁿ ⊈ M²(ℤⁿ). Let D ⊂ ℤⁿ be a finite set with |D| = |det(M)|. Suppose the attractor T(M,D) of the iterated function system ϕ d ( x ) = M - 1 ( x + d ) d D has positive Lebesgue measure. We prove that (i) if D ⊈ M(ℤⁿ), then D is a complete set of coset representatives of ℤⁿ/M(ℤⁿ); (ii) if D ⊆ M(ℤⁿ), then there exists a positive integer γ such that D = M γ D , where D₀ is a complete set of coset representatives of ℤⁿ/M(ℤⁿ). This improves the corresponding results of Kenyon,...

Digital expansion of exponential sequences

Michael Fuchs (2002)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

We consider the q -ary digital expansion of the first N terms of an exponential sequence a n . Using a result due to Kiss and Tichy [8], we prove that the average number of occurrences of an arbitrary digital block in the last c log N digits is asymptotically equal to the expected value. Under stronger assumptions we get a similar result for the first ( log N ) 3 2 - ϵ digits, where ϵ is a positive constant. In both methods, we use estimations of exponential sums and the concept of discrepancy of real sequences modulo 1 ...

Discrete planes, 2 -actions, Jacobi-Perron algorithm and substitutions

Pierre Arnoux, Valérie Berthé, Shunji Ito (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We introduce two-dimensional substitutions generating two-dimensional sequences related to discrete approximations of irrational planes. These two-dimensional substitutions are produced by the classical Jacobi-Perron continued fraction algorithm, by the way of induction of a 2 -action by rotations on the circle. This gives a new geometric interpretation of the Jacobi-Perron algorithm, as a map operating on the parameter space of 2 -actions by rotations.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 60