On the diophantine equation x²+x+1 = yz
All solutions of the equation x²+x+1 = yz in non-negative integers x,y,z are given in terms of an arithmetic continued fraction.
All solutions of the equation x²+x+1 = yz in non-negative integers x,y,z are given in terms of an arithmetic continued fraction.
Let N be a set of natural numbers and Z be a set of integers. Let M₂(Z) denotes the set of all 2x2 matrices with integer entries. We give necessary and suficient conditions for solvability of the matrix negative Pell equation (P) X² - dY² = -I with d ∈ N for nonsingular X,Y belonging to M₂(Z) and his generalization (Pn) with d ∈ N for nonsingular , i=1,...,n.
We show that is powerfull for integers at most, thus answering a question of P. Ribenboim.