Remarks on a question of Skolem about the integer solutions of x₁x₂ - x₃x₄ = 1
The sequence of balancing numbers is defined by the recurrence relation for with initial conditions and is called the th balancing number. In this paper, we find all repdigits in the base which are sums of four balancing numbers. As a result of our theorem,...
The paper is concentrated on two issues: presentation of a multivariate polynomial over a field K, not necessarily algebraically closed, as a sum of univariate polynomials in linear forms defined over K, and presentation of a form, in particular a zero form, as the sum of powers of linear forms projectively distinct defined over an algebraically closed field. An upper bound on the number of summands in presentations of all (not only generic) polynomials and forms of a given number of variables and...
Článek představuje zjednodušené základy teorie kvadratických zbytků a algebraické teorie čísel a jejich užití při řešení diofantických rovnic. Obsahuje i několik příkladů pro čtenáře.