Quadratic forms, division algebras and inseparable multiquadratic extensions. (Formes quadratiques, algèbres à division et extensions multiquadratiques inséparables.)
Étant donnés un corps commutatif de caractéristique , des formes bilinéaires d’Albert et des -formes quadratiques de Pfister, ou des -formes bilinéaires de Pfister et des formes quadratiques d’Albert (resp. des formes bilinéaires d’Albert et des -formes bilinéaires de Pfister avec la condition que , , soient anisotropes), alors on montre que (resp.) si et seulement si est semblable à . Un exemple montre que la condition de l’anisotropie est nécessaire dans le cas bilinéaire....
The notion of a real semigroup was introduced in [8] to provide a framework for the investigation of the theory of (diagonal) quadratic forms over commutative, unitary, semi-real rings. In this paper we introduce and study an outstanding class of such structures, that we call spectral real semigroups (SRS). Our main results are: (i) The existence of a natural functorial duality between the category of SRSs and that of hereditarily normal spectral spaces; (ii) Characterization of the SRSs as the...
Let R be a Dedekind domain whose field of fractions is a global field. Moreover, let 𝓞 < R be an order. We examine the image of the natural homomorphism φ : W𝓞 → WR of the corresponding Witt rings. We formulate necessary and sufficient conditions for the surjectivity of φ in the case of all nonreal quadratic number fields, all real quadratic number fields K such that -1 is a norm in the extension K/ℚ, and all quadratic function fields.