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Modular symbols, Eisenstein series, and congruences

Jay Heumann, Vinayak Vatsal (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let E and f be an Eisenstein series and a cusp form, respectively, of the same weight k 2 and of the same level N , both eigenfunctions of the Hecke operators, and both normalized so that a 1 ( f ) = a 1 ( E ) = 1 . The main result we prove is that when E and f are congruent mod a prime 𝔭 (which we take in this paper to be a prime of ¯ lying over a rational prime p > 2 ), the algebraic parts of the special values L ( E , χ , j ) and L ( f , χ , j ) satisfy congruences mod the same prime. More explicitly, we prove that, under certain conditions, τ ( χ ¯ ) L ( f , χ , j ) ( 2 π i ) j - 1 Ω f sgn ( E ) τ ( χ ¯ ) L ( E , χ , j ) ( 2 π i ) j Ω E ( mod 𝔭 ) where the...

Modularity of p -adic Galois representations via p -adic approximations

Chandrashekhar Khare (2004)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

In this short note we give a new approach to proving modularity of p -adic Galois representations using a method of p -adic approximations. This recovers some of the well-known results of Wiles and Taylor in many, but not all, cases. A feature of the new approach is that it works directly with the p -adic Galois representation whose modularity is sought to be established. The three main ingredients are a Galois cohomology technique of Ramakrishna, a level raising result due to Ribet, Diamond, Taylor,...

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