A constructive approach to p-adic deformations of arithmetic homology
In this paper, we give a concrete method to compute -stabilized vectors in the space of parahori-fixed vectors for connected reductive groups over -adic fields. An application to the global setting is also discussed. In particular, we give an explicit -stabilized form of a Saito-Kurokawa lift.
Dans ce travail nous développons un analogue relatif de la théorie de Sen pour les -représentations. On donne des applications à la théorie des représentations -adiques, en la reliant à la théorie des -modules relatifs, et à celle des modules de Higgs -adiques développée par G. Faltings.
Let be a non-archimedean local field. This paper gives an explicit isomorphism between the dual of the special representation of and the space of harmonic cochains defined on the Bruhat-Tits building of , in the sense of E. de Shalit [11]. We deduce, applying the results of a paper of P. Schneider and U. Stuhler [9], that there exists a -equivariant isomorphism between the cohomology group of the Drinfeld symmetric space and the space of harmonic cochains.
We prove that some of the basic differential functions appearing in the (unramified) theory of arithmetic differential equations, especially some of the basic differential modular forms in that theory, arise from a "ramified situation". This property can be viewed as a special kind of overconvergence property. One can also go in the opposite direction by using differential functions that arise in a ramified situation to construct "new" (unramified) differential functions.
Pour les formes automorphes cuspidales sur les corps de fonctions et pour les formes automorphes cuspidales cohomologiques sur les corps de nombres, on donne des estimées pour les valuations -adiques des valeurs propres des opérateurs de Hecke. Dans le cas des corps de nombres, ces estimées correspondent aux estimées de Katz-Mazur par les conjectures de Langlands.