Discrepancy estimates for the value-distribution of the Riemann zeta-function I
Discrepancy of normal numbers
Diskrepanz bezüglich gewichteter Mittel und Konvergenzverhalten von Potenzreihen.
Diskrepanz in separablen metrischen Räumen.
Diskrepanz und Distanz von Maßen bezüglich konvexer und Jordanscher Mengen.
Diskrepanz von Ketten.
Diskrepanz von Ketten II.
Distances of Probability Measures and Uniform Distribution Mod 1.
Distribution mod 1 of additive functions on the set of divisors
Distribution of the Ratios of the Terms of a Linear Recurrence.
Distribution properties of sequences generated by Q-additive functions with respect to Cantor representation of integers
Distribution uniforme modulo 1
Dyadic diaphony of digital sequences
The dyadic diaphony is a quantitative measure for the irregularity of distribution of a sequence in the unit cube. In this paper we give formulae for the dyadic diaphony of digital -sequences over , . These formulae show that for fixed , the dyadic diaphony has the same values for any digital -sequence. For , it follows that the dyadic diaphony and the diaphony of special digital -sequences are up to a constant the same. We give the exact asymptotic order of the dyadic diaphony of digital...