On discrete mean values of Dirichlet -functions
Let be a nonprincipal Dirichlet character modulo a prime number and let . Define the mean value We give an identity for which, in particular, shows that for fixed and .
Let be a nonprincipal Dirichlet character modulo a prime number and let . Define the mean value We give an identity for which, in particular, shows that for fixed and .
Grosswald’s conjecture is that g(p), the least primitive root modulo p, satisfies g(p) ≤ √p - 2 for all p > 409. We make progress towards this conjecture by proving that g(p) ≤ √p -2 for all and for all .
We study the average of the Fourier coefficients of a holomorphic cusp form for the full modular group at primes of the form [g(n)].
We consider some applications of the singular integral equation of the second kind of Fox. Some new solutions to Fox’s integral equation are discussed in relation to number theory.
We consider -free numbers over Beatty sequences. New results are given. In particular, for a fixed irrational number of finite type and any constant , we can show that where is the set of positive -free integers and the implied constant depends only on ...
Let be an odd prime and a fixed integer with . For each integer with , it is clear that there exists one and only one with such that (mod ). Let denote the number of all solutions of the congruence equation (mod ) for , in which and are of opposite parity, where is defined by the congruence equation . The main purpose of this paper is to use the properties of Dedekind sums and the mean value theorem for Dirichlet -functions to study the hybrid mean value problem involving...
Linnik proved, assuming the Riemann Hypothesis, that for any , the interval contains a number which is the sum of two primes, provided that is sufficiently large. This has subsequently been improved to the same assertion being valid for the smaller gap , the added new ingredient being Selberg’s estimate for the mean-square of primes in short intervals. Here we give another proof of this sharper result which avoids the use of Selberg’s estimate and is therefore more in the spirit of Linnik’s...