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Propriétés (Q) et (C). Variété commutante

Jean-Yves Charbonnel (2004)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Soient X une variété algébrique complexe, lisse, irréductible, E et F deux espaces vectoriels complexes de dimension finie et μ un morphisme de X dans l’espace Lin ( E , F ) des applications linéaires de E dans F . Pour x X , on note E ( x ) et x · E le noyau et l’image de μ ( x ) , μ ¯ x le morphisme de X dans Lin ( E ( x ) , F / ( x · E ) ) qui associe à y l’application linéaire v μ ( y ) ( v ) + x · E . Soit i μ la dimension minimale de E ( x ) . On dit que μ ala propriété ( 𝐑 ) en x si i μ ¯ x est inférieur à i μ . Soient F * le dual de F , S ( F ) l’algèbre symétrique de F , μ l’idéal de 𝒪 X S ( F ) engendré par...

Radicals of ideals that are not the intersection of radical primes

D. Laksov, M. Rosenlund (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Various kinds of radicals of ideals in commutative rings with identity appear in many parts of algebra and geometry, in particular in connection with the Hilbert Nullstellensatz, both in the noetherian and the non-noetherian case. All of these radicals, except the *-radicals, have the fundamental, and very useful, property that the radical of an ideal is the intersection of radical primes, that is, primes that are equal to their own radical. It is easy to verify that when the...

Rational functions without poles in a compact set

W. Kucharz (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let X be an irreducible nonsingular complex algebraic set and let K be a compact subset of X. We study algebraic properties of the ring of rational functions on X without poles in K. We give simple necessary conditions for this ring to be a regular ring or a unique factorization domain.

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 391