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Some results on the cofiniteness of local cohomology modules

Sohrab Sohrabi Laleh, Mir Yousef Sadeghi, Mahdi Hanifi Mostaghim (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring, 𝔞 an ideal of R , M an R -module and t a non-negative integer. In this paper we show that the class of minimax modules includes the class of 𝒜ℱ modules. The main result is that if the R -module Ext R t ( R / 𝔞 , M ) is finite (finitely generated), H 𝔞 i ( M ) is 𝔞 -cofinite for all i < t and H 𝔞 t ( M ) is minimax then H 𝔞 t ( M ) is 𝔞 -cofinite. As a consequence we show that if M and N are finite R -modules and H 𝔞 i ( N ) is minimax for all i < t then the set of associated prime ideals of the generalized local cohomology module...

The Hilbert scheme of space curves of small diameter

Jan Oddvar Kleppe (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

This paper studies space curves C of degree d and arithmetic genus g , with homogeneous ideal I and Rao module M = H * 1 ( I ˜ ) , whose main results deal with curves which satisfy 0 Ext R 2 ( M , M ) = 0 (e.g. of diameter, diam M 2 ). For such curves we find necessary and sufficient conditions for unobstructedness, and we compute the dimension of the Hilbert scheme, H ( d , g ) , at ( C ) under the sufficient conditions. In the diameter one case, the necessary and sufficient conditions coincide, and the unobstructedness of C turns out to be equivalent to the...

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