On the homogeneous ideal of the generic union of lines in ...3.ö
The conjecture on the (degree-codimension + 1) - regularity of projective varieties is proved for smooth linearly normal polarized varieties (X,L) with L very ample, for low values of Delta(X,L) = degree-codimension-1. Results concerning the projective normality of some classes of special varieties including scrolls over curves of genus 2 and quadric fibrations over elliptic curves, are proved.
Roughly speaking, by using the semi-stable minimal model program, we prove that the moduli part of an lc-trivial fibration coincides with that of a klt-trivial fibration induced by adjunction after taking a suitable generically finite cover. As an application, we obtain that the moduli part of an lc-trivial fibration is b-nef and abundant by Ambro’s result on klt-trivial fibrations.
We explore the geometry of the osculating spaces to projective verieties of arbitrary dimension. In particular, we classify varieties having very degenerate higher order osculating spaces and we determine mild conditions for the existence of inflectionary points.
Let X ⊂ Pn be an integral and non-degenerate m-dimensional variety defined over R. For any P ∈ Pn(R) the real X-rank r x,R(P) is the minimal cardinality of S ⊂ X(R) such that P ∈ . Here we extend to the real case an upper bound for the X-rank due to Landsberg and Teitler.
In this paper we study the k-th osculating variety of the order d Veronese embedding of P n. In particular, for k=n=2 we show that the corresponding secant varieties have the expected dimension except in one case.