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Characterizations of incidence modules

Naseer Ullah, Hailou Yao, Qianqian Yuan, Muhammad Azam (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be an associative ring and M be a left R -module. We introduce the concept of the incidence module I ( X , M ) of a locally finite partially ordered set X over M . We study the properties of I ( X , M ) and give the necessary and sufficient conditions for the incidence module to be an IN-module, -module, nil injective module and nonsingular module, respectively. Furthermore, we show that the class of -modules is closed under direct product and upper triangular matrix modules.

Comultiplication modules over a pullback of Dedekind domains

Reza Ebrahimi Atani, Shahabaddin Ebrahimi Atani (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

First, we give complete description of the comultiplication modules over a Dedekind domain. Second, if R is the pullback of two local Dedekind domains, then we classify all indecomposable comultiplication R -modules and establish a connection between the comultiplication modules and the pure-injective modules over such domains.

Costable rings

Tomáš Kepka (1974)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Countably thick modules

Ali Abdel-Mohsen, Mohammad Saleh (2005)

Archivum Mathematicum

The purpose of this paper is to further the study of countably thick modules via weak injectivity. Among others, for some classes of modules in σ [ M ] we study when direct sums of modules from satisfies a property in σ [ M ] . In particular, we get characterization of locally countably thick modules, a generalization of locally q.f.d. modules.

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