Group graded rings and smash products
The aim of the present paper is to study Hopfian and Co-Hopfian objects in categories like the category of rings, the module categories A-mod and mod-A for any ring A. Using Stone's representation theorem any Boolean ring can be regarded as the ring A of clopen subsets of compact Hausdorff totally disconnected space X. It turns out that the Boolean ring A will be Hopfian (resp. co-Hopfian) if and only if the space X is co-Hopfian (resp. Hopfian) in the category Top. For any compact Hausdorff space...
We prove that a stably hereditary bound quiver algebra A = KQ/I is iterated tilted if and only if (Q,I) satisfies the clock condition, and that in this case it is of type~Q. Furthermore, A is tilted if and only if (Q,I) does not contain any double-zero.
For an arbitrary infinite cardinal , we define classes of -cslender and -tslender modules as well as related classes of -hmodules and initiate a study of these classes.
The correspondence between the category of modules over a graded algebra and the category of graded modules over its Yoneda algebra was studied in [8] by means of algebras; this relation is very well understood for Koszul algebras (see for example [5],[6]). It is of interest to look for cases such that there exists a duality generalizing the Koszul situation. In this paper we will study N-Koszul algebras [1], [7], [9] for which such a duality exists.
Using a notion of distance between indecomposable modules we deduce new characterizations of laura algebras and quasi-directed Auslander-Reiten components. Afterwards, we investigate the infinite radical of Artin algebras and show that there exist infinitely many non-directing modules between two indecomposable modules X and Y if . We draw as inference that a convex component is quasi-directed if and only if it is almost directed.
We define a notion of left section in an Auslander-Reiten component, by weakening one of the axioms for sections. We derive a generalisation of the Liu-Skowroński criterion for tilted algebras, then apply our results to describe the Auslander-Reiten components lying in the left part of an artin algebra.
We study a connection between left-right projective bimodules and stable equivalences of Morita type for finite-dimensional associative algebras over a field. Some properties of the category of all finite-dimensional left-right projective bimodules for self-injective algebras are also given.
Bimodules over triangular Nakayama algebras that give stable equivalences of Morita type are studied here. As a consequence one obtains that every stable equivalence of Morita type between triangular Nakayama algebras is a Morita equivalence.