On the classification of Moore algebras and their deformations.
We prove that every commutative differential graded algebra whose cohomology is a simply-connected Poincaré duality algebra is quasi-isomorphic to one whose underlying algebra is simply-connected and satisfies Poincaré duality in the same dimension. This has applications in rational homotopy, giving Poincaré duality at the cochain level, which is of interest in particular in the study of configuration spaces and in string topology.
Let A be a noetherian local commutative ring and let M be a suitable complex of A-modules. It is proved that M is a dualizing complex for A if and only if the trivial extension A ⋉ M is a Gorenstein differential graded algebra. As a corollary, A has a dualizing complex if and only if it is a quotient of a Gorenstein local differential graded algebra.
Let be a dg--module, the endomorphism dg-algebra of . We know that if is a good silting object, then there exist a dg-algebra and a recollement among the derived categories of , of and of . We investigate the condition under which the induced dg-algebra is weak nonpositive. In order to deal with both silting and cosilting dg-modules consistently, the notion of weak silting dg-modules is introduced. Thus, similar results for good cosilting dg-modules are obtained. Finally, some...
We define a BV-structure on the Hochschild cohomology of a unital, associative algebra with a symmetric, invariant and non-degenerate inner product. The induced Gerstenhaber algebra is the one described in Gerstenhaber’s original paper on Hochschild-cohomology. We also prove the corresponding theorem in the homotopy case, namely we define the BV-structure on the Hochschild-cohomology of a unital -algebra with a symmetric and non-degenerate -inner product.
We determine the algebra structure of the Hochschild cohomology of the singular cochain algebra with coefficients in a field on a space whose cohomology is a polynomial algebra. A spectral sequence calculation of the Hochschild cohomology is also described. In particular, when the underlying field is of characteristic two, we determine the associated bigraded Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra structure on the Hochschild cohomology of the singular cochain on a space whose cohomology is an exterior algebra....
The aim of this paper is to study the pro-algebraic fundamental group of a compact Kähler manifold. Following work by Simpson, the structure of this group’s pro-reductive quotient is already well understood. We show that Hodge-theoretic methods can also be used to establish that the pro-unipotent radical is quadratically presented. This generalises both Deligne et al.’s result on the de Rham fundamental group, and Goldman and Millson’s result on deforming representations of Kähler groups, and can...
We investigate the triangulated hull of orbit categories of the perfect derived category and the bounded derived category of a ring concerning the power of the suspension functor. It turns out that the triangulated hull corresponds to the full subcategory of compact objects of certain triangulated categories of periodic complexes. This specializes to Stai and Zhao’s result on the finite dimensional algebra of finite global dimension. As the first application, if , are flat algebras over a commutative...