Modèle de Whittaker et ideaux primitifs complètement premiers dans les algèbres enveloppantes des algèbres de Lie semisimples complexes II.
The structure of filtered algebras of Grothendieck's differential operators on a smooth fat point in a curve and graded Poisson algebras of their principal symbols is explicitly determined. A related infinitesimal-birational duality realized by a Springer type resolution of singularities and the Fourier transformation is presented. This algebro-geometrical duality is quantized in appropriate sense and its quantum origin is explained.
Let k be a commutative field. For any a,b∈ k, we denote by the deformation of the 2-dimensional Weyl algebra over k associated with the Jordanian Hecke symmetry with parameters a and b. We prove that: (i) any can be embedded in the usual Weyl algebra A₂(k), and (ii) is isomorphic to A₂(k) if and only if a = b.
We introduce a quantization of the graded algebra of functions on the canonical cone of an algebraic curve , based on the theory of formal pseudodifferential operators. When is a complex curve with Poincaré uniformization, we propose another, equivalent construction, based on the work of Cohen-Manin-Zagier on Rankin-Cohen brackets. We give a presentation of the quantum algebra when is a rational curve, and discuss the problem of constructing algebraically “differential liftings”.
Generalizing Petrogradsky’s construction, we give examples of infinite-dimensional nil Lie algebras of finite Gelfand–Kirillov dimension over any field of positive characteristic.
We confirm a conjecture of Bernstein–Lunts which predicts that the characteristic variety of a generic polynomial vector field has no homogeneous involutive subvarieties besides the zero section and subvarieties of fibers over singular points.