Invariant cones in solvable Lie algebras.
We prove a series of "going-up" theorems contrasting the structure of semiprime algebras and their subalgebras of invariants under the actions of Lie color algebras.
A linear map L on an algebra is said to be Lie derivable at zero if L([A,B]) = [L(A),B] + [A,L(B)] whenever [A,B] = 0. It is shown that, for a 𝒥-subspace lattice ℒ on a Banach space X satisfying dim K ≠ 2 whenever K ∈ 𝒥(ℒ), every linear map on ℱ(ℒ) (the subalgebra of all finite rank operators in the JSL algebra Alg ℒ) Lie derivable at zero is of the standard form A ↦ δ (A) + ϕ(A), where δ is a generalized derivation and ϕ is a center-valued linear map. A characterization of linear maps Lie derivable...
Let be a simple strange Lie superalgebra over the complex field . In a paper by A. Ayupov, K. Kudaybergenov (2016), the authors studied the local derivations on semi-simple Lie algebras over and showed the difference between the properties of local derivations on semi-simple and nilpotent Lie algebras. We know that Lie superalgebras are a generalization of Lie algebras and the properties of some Lie superalgebras are similar to those of semi-simple Lie algebras, but is an exception. In this...
Let 𝓛 be a subspace lattice on a Banach space X and let δ: Alg𝓛 → B(X) be a linear mapping. If ⋁ {L ∈ 𝓛 : L₋ ⊉ L}= X or ⋁ {L₋ : L ∈ 𝓛, L₋ ⊉ L} = (0), we show that the following three conditions are equivalent: (1) δ(AB) = δ(A)B + Aδ(B) whenever AB = 0; (2) δ(AB + BA) = δ(A)B + Aδ(B) + δ(B)A + Bδ(A) whenever AB + BA = 0; (3) δ is a generalized derivation and δ(I) ∈ (Alg𝓛)'. If ⋁ {L ∈ 𝓛 : L₋ ⊉ L} = X or ⋁ {L₋ : L ∈ 𝓛, L₋ ⊉ L} = (0) and δ satisfies δ(AB + BA) = δ(A)B + Aδ(B) + δ(B)A + Bδ(A)...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 17B01, 17B30, 17B40.Let Lm,c be the free m-generated metabelian nilpotent of class c Lie algebra over a field of characteristic 0. An automorphism φ of Lm,c is called normal if φ(I) = I for every ideal I of the algebra Lm,c. Such automorphisms form a normal subgroup N(Lm,c) of Aut (Lm,c) containing the group of inner automorphisms. We describe the group of normal automorphisms of Lm,c and the quotient group of Aut (Lm,c) modulo N(Lm,c).
Results on derivations and automorphisms of some quantum and classical Poisson algebras, as well as characterizations of manifolds by the Lie structure of such algebras, are revisited and extended. We prove in particular a somewhat unexpected fact that the algebras of linear differential operators acting on smooth sections of two real vector bundles of rank 1 are isomorphic as Lie algebras if and only if the base manifolds are diffeomorphic, whether or not the line bundles themselves are isomorphic....
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 17B01, 17B30, 17B40.Let Fm be the free metabelian Lie algebra of rank m over a field K of characteristic 0. We consider the semigroup IE(Fm) of the endomorphisms of Fm which are identical modulo the commutator ideal of Fm. We describe the factor semigroup of IE(Fm) modulo the congruence induced by the group of inner automorphisms.