Skew-Symmetric Derivations of a Complex Lie Algebra.
A pair of sequences of nilpotent Lie algebras denoted by and are introduced. Here denotes the dimension of the algebras that are defined for ; the first term in the sequences are denoted by 6.11 and 6.19, respectively, in the standard list of six-dimensional Lie algebras. For each of and all possible solvable extensions are constructed so that and serve as the nilradical of the corresponding solvable algebras. The construction continues Winternitz’ and colleagues’ program of investigating...
The KV-homology theory is a new framework which yields interesting properties of lagrangian foliations. This short note is devoted to relationships between the KV-homology and the KV-cohomology of a lagrangian foliation. Let us denote by (resp. ) the KV-algebra (resp. the space of basic functions) of a lagrangian foliation F. We show that there exists a pairing of cohomology and homology to . That is to say, there is a bilinear map , which is invariant under F-preserving symplectic diffeomorphisms....
Let A be an ultraprime Banach algebra. We prove that each approximately commuting continuous linear (or quadratic) map on A is near an actual commuting continuous linear (resp. quadratic) map on A. Furthermore, we use this analysis to study how close are approximate Lie isomorphisms and approximate Lie derivations to actual Lie isomorphisms and Lie derivations, respectively.