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Hom-Akivis algebras

A. Nourou Issa (2011)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Hom-Akivis algebras are introduced. The commutator-Hom-associator algebra of a non-Hom-associative algebra (i.e. a Hom-nonassociative algebra) is a Hom-Akivis algebra. It is shown that Hom-Akivis algebras can be obtained from Akivis algebras by twisting along algebra endomorphisms and that the class of Hom-Akivis algebras is closed under self-morphisms. It is pointed out that a Hom-Akivis algebra associated to a Hom-alternative algebra is a Hom-Malcev algebra.

Homogeneous Einstein manifolds based on symplectic triple systems

Cristina Draper Fontanals (2020)

Communications in Mathematics

For each simple symplectic triple system over the real numbers, the standard enveloping Lie algebra and the algebra of inner derivations of the triple provide a reductive pair related to a semi-Riemannian homogeneous manifold. It is proved that this is an Einstein manifold.

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