On the derived categories of coherent sheaves on some homogeneous spaces.
Si definisce il gruppo di —omotopia di un singolo modulo e si introduce la nozione di equivalenza -omotopica debole. Sotto determinate condizioni per l'anello di base oppure per i moduli considerati, le equivalenze -omotopiche deboli coincidono con le equivalenze -omotopiche (forti).
In this paper we characterize weak monomorphisms and weak epimorphisms in the category of pro-groups. Also we define the notion of weakly exact sequence and we study this notion in the category of pro-groups.
We introduce the right (left) Gorenstein subcategory relative to an additive subcategory of an abelian category , and prove that the right Gorenstein subcategory is closed under extensions, kernels of epimorphisms, direct summands and finite direct sums. When is self-orthogonal, we give a characterization for objects in , and prove that any object in with finite -projective dimension is isomorphic to a kernel (or a cokernel) of a morphism from an object in with finite -projective dimension...