Displaying 41 – 60 of 176

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Entropy of Schur–Weyl measures

Sevak Mkrtchyan (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Relative dimensions of isotypic components of N th order tensor representations of the symmetric group on n letters give a Plancherel-type measure on the space of Young diagrams with n cells and at most N rows. It was conjectured by G. Olshanski that dimensions of isotypic components of tensor representations of finite symmetric groups, after appropriate normalization, converge to a constant with respect to this family of Plancherel-type measures in the limit when N n converges to a constant. The main...

Eulerian idempotent and Kashiwara-Vergne conjecture

Emily Burgunder (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

By using the interplay between the Eulerian idempotent and the Dynkin idempotent, we construct explicitly a particular symmetric solution ( F , G ) of the first equation of the Kashiwara-Vergne conjecture x + y - log ( e y e x ) = ( 1 - e - ad x ) F ( x , y ) + ( e ad y - 1 ) G ( x , y ) . Then, we explicit all the solutions of the equation in the completion of the free Lie algebra generated by two indeterminates x and y thanks to the kernel of the Dynkin idempotent.

Foncteurs polynomiaux et foncteurs de Mackey non linéaires

Hans-Joachim Baues, Winfried Dreckmann, Vincent Franjou, Teimuraz Pirashvili (2001)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

On décrit les foncteurs polynomiaux, des groupes abéliens libres vers les groupes abéliens, comme des diagrammes de groupes abéliens dont on explicite les relations.

Generalized descent algebra and construction of irreducible characters of hyperoctahedral groups

Cédric Bonnafé, Christophe Hohlweg (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We construct a subalgebra Σ ( W n ) of dimension 2 · 3 n - 1 of the group algebra of the Weyl group W n of type B n containing its usual Solomon algebra and the one of 𝔖 n : Σ ( W n ) is nothing but the Mantaci-Reutenauer algebra but our point of view leads us to a construction of a surjective morphism of algebras Σ ( W n ) Z Irr ( W n ) . Jöllenbeck’s construction of irreducible characters of the symmetric group by using the coplactic equivalence classes can then be transposed to W n . In an appendix, P. Baumann and C. Hohlweg present in an explicit and...

Generalized symmetry classes of tensors

Gholamreza Rafatneshan, Yousef Zamani (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let V be a unitary space. For an arbitrary subgroup G of the full symmetric group S m and an arbitrary irreducible unitary representation Λ of G , we study the generalized symmetry class of tensors over V associated with G and Λ . Some important properties of this vector space are investigated.

Harish-Chandra homomorphisms and symplectic reflection algebras for wreath-products

Pavel Etingof, Wee Liang Gan, Victor Ginzburg, Alexei Oblomkov (2007)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

The main result of the paper is a natural construction of the spherical subalgebra in a symplectic reflection algebra associated with a wreath-product in terms of quantum hamiltonian reduction of an algebra of differential operators on a representation space of an extended Dynkin quiver. The existence of such a construction has been conjectured in [EG]. We also present a new approach to reflection functors and shift functors for generalized preprojective algebras and symplectic reflection algebras...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 176