Existentially Closed Locally Finite Central Extensions: Multipliers and Local Systems.
Our main result is that a locally graded group whose proper subgroups are Baer-by-Chernikov is itself Baer-by-Chernikov. We prove also that a locally (soluble-by-finite) group whose proper subgroups are Baer-by-(finite rank) is itself Baer-by-(finite rank) if either it is locally of finite rank but not locally finite or it has no infinite simple images.
If is a class of groups, then a group is said to be minimal non -group if all its proper subgroups are in the class , but itself is not an -group. The main result of this note is that if is an integer and if is a minimal non (respectively, )-group, then is a finitely generated perfect group which has no non-trivial finite factor and such that is an infinite simple group; where (respectively, , ) denotes the class of nilpotent (respectively, nilpotent of class at most , locally...
A subgroup H of a group G is called ascendant-by-finite in G if there exists a subgroup K of H such that K is ascendant in G and the index of K in H is finite. It is proved that a locally finite group with every subgroup ascendant-by-finite is locally nilpotent-by-finite. As a consequence, it is shown that the Gruenberg radical has finite index in the whole group.
It is proved that if a locally soluble group of infinite rank has only finitely many non-trivial conjugacy classes of subgroups of infinite rank, then all its subgroups are normal.
A group G is called metamodular if for each subgroup H of G either the subgroup lattice 𝔏(H) is modular or H is a modular element of the lattice 𝔏(G). Metamodular groups appear as the natural lattice analogues of groups in which every non-abelian subgroup is normal; these latter groups have been studied by Romalis and Sesekin, and here their results are extended to metamodular groups.
A subgroup H of a group G is nearly normal if it has finite index in its normal closure . A relevant theorem of B. H. Neumann states that groups in which every subgroup is nearly normal are precisely those with finite commutator subgroup. We shall say that a subgroup H of a group G is nearly modular if H has finite index in a modular element of the lattice of subgroups of G. Thus nearly modular subgroups are the natural lattice-theoretic translation of nearly normal subgroups. In this article we...
Let be an uncountable universal locally finite group. We study subgroups such that for every , .