Displaying 41 – 60 of 664

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Asphericity of symmetric presentations

Fulvia Spaggiari (2006)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Using the notion of relative presentation due to Bogley and Pride, we give a new proof of a theorem of Prishchepov on the asphericity of certain symmetric presentations of groups. Then we obtain further results and applications to topology of low-dimensional manifolds.

Asymptotic dimension of discrete groups

A. Dranishnikov, J. Smith (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We extend Gromov's notion of asymptotic dimension of finitely generated groups to all discrete groups. In particular, we extend the Hurewicz type theorem proven in [B-D2] to general groups. Then we use this extension to prove a formula for the asymptotic dimension of finitely generated solvable groups in terms of their Hirsch length.

Asymptotic dimension of one relator groups

Dmitry Matsnev (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We show that one relator groups viewed as metric spaces with respect to the word-length metric have finite asymptotic dimension in the sense of Gromov, and we give an improved estimate of that dimension in terms of the relator length. The construction is similar to one of Bell and Dranishnikov, but we produce a sharper estimate.

Basic results on braid groups

Juan González-Meneses (2011)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

These are Lecture Notes of a course given by the author at the French-Spanish School Tresses in Pau, held in Pau (France) in October 2009. It is basically an introduction to distinct approaches and techniques that can be used to show results in braid groups. Using these techniques we provide several proofs of well known results in braid groups, namely the correctness of Artin’s presentation, that the braid group is torsion free, or that its center is generated by the full twist. We also recall some...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 664