Bases of certain finite groups
These are Lecture Notes of a course given by the author at the French-Spanish School Tresses in Pau, held in Pau (France) in October 2009. It is basically an introduction to distinct approaches and techniques that can be used to show results in braid groups. Using these techniques we provide several proofs of well known results in braid groups, namely the correctness of Artin’s presentation, that the braid group is torsion free, or that its center is generated by the full twist. We also recall some...
For any number field with non-elementary -class group , , the punctured capitulation type of in its unramified cyclic cubic extensions , , is an orbit under the action of . By means of Artin’s reciprocity law, the arithmetical invariant is translated to the punctured transfer kernel type of the automorphism group of the second Hilbert -class field of . A classification of finite -groups with low order and bicyclic commutator quotient , , according to the algebraic invariant...
On étudie les morphismes d’un groupe infini discret dans un groupe de Lie contenu dans le groupe des difféomorphismes de la droite réelle. À un tel morphisme , on associe deux ensembles de “bouts” de “dans la direction” . On calcule le nombre de bouts dans plusieurs situations. Dans le cas particulier où est de type fini et où est le groupe des translations, n’a qu’un bout dans la direction si, et seulement si, ils vérifient la propriété de Bieri-Neumann-Strebel.