-nacci sequences in finite triangle groups.
The purpose of this paper is to put together a large amount of results on the conjecture for Artin groups, and to make them accessible to non-experts. Firstly, this is a survey, containing basic definitions, the main results, examples and an historical overview of the subject. But, it is also a reference text on the topic that contains proofs of a large part of the results on this question. Some proofs as well as few results are new. Furthermore, the text, being addressed to non-experts, is as...
An affine Hecke algebras can be realized as an equivariant -group of the corresponding Steinberg variety. This gives rise naturally to some two-sided ideals of the affine Hecke algebra by means of the closures of nilpotent orbits of the corresponding Lie algebra. In this paper we will show that the two-sided ideals are in fact the two-sided ideals of the affine Hecke algebra defined through two-sided cells of the corresponding affine Weyl group after the two-sided ideals are tensored by . This...
In this paper, we define k-counting automata as recognizers for ω-languages, i.e. languages of infinite words. We prove that the class of ω-languages they recognize is a proper extension of the ω-regular languages. In addition we prove that languages recognized by k-counting automata are closed under Boolean operations. It remains an open problem whether or not emptiness is decidable for k-counting automata. However, we conjecture strongly that it is decidable and give formal reasons why we believe...
In this paper, we define k-counting automata as recognizers for ω-languages, i.e. languages of infinite words. We prove that the class of ω-languages they recognize is a proper extension of the ω-regular languages. In addition we prove that languages recognized by k-counting automata are closed under Boolean operations. It remains an open problem whether or not emptiness is decidable for k-counting automata. However, we conjecture strongly...