New classes of distortion theorems for certain subclasses of analytic functions involving certain fractional derivatives
We discuss the existence of solutions and Ulam's type stability concepts for a class of partial functional fractional differential inclusions with noninstantaneous impulses and a nonconvex valued right hand side in Banach spaces. An example is provided to illustrate our results.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 33C60, 44A15, 35K55Denoting by Dα0|t the time-fractional derivative of order α (α ∈ (0, 1)) in the sense of Caputo, and by ∆H the Laplacian operator on the (2N + 1) - dimensional Heisenberg group H^N, we prove some nonexistence results for solutions to problems of the type Dα0|tu − ∆H(au) >= |u|^p, Dα0|tu − ∆H(au) >= |v|^p, Dδ0|tv − ∆H(bv) >= |u|^q, in H^N × R+ , with a, b ∈ L ∞ (H^N × R+). For α = 1 (and δ = 1 in the case of two inequalities),...
This paper is mainly concerned with existence of mild solutions and optimal controls for nonlinear delay integrodifferential systems with Caputo fractional derivative in infinite-dimensional spaces. We do not assume that the relevant strongly continuous semigroup is compact.
We consider a nonlinear fractional differential inclusion with nonlocal fractional integro-differential boundary conditions in a Banach space. The existence of at least one solution is proved by using the set-valued analog of Mönch fixed point theorem associated with the technique of measures of noncompactness.
For the nonlinear heat equation with a fractional Laplacian , 1 < α ≤ 2, the first initial-boundary value problem in a disk is considered. Small initial conditions, homogeneous boundary conditions, and periodicity conditions in the angular coordinate are imposed. Existence and uniqueness of a global-in-time solution is proved, and the solution is constructed in the form of a series of eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator in the disk. First-order long-time asymptotics of the solution is obtained....
In this paper, we establish sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions for nonlinear Hadamard-type implicit fractional differential equations with finite delay. The proof of the main results is based on the measure of noncompactness and the Darbo’s and Mönch’s fixed point theorems. An example is included to show the applicability of our results.
This paper aims at discussing asymptotic behaviour of nonoscillatory solutions of the forced fractional difference equations of the form where , , is a Caputo-like fractional difference operator. Three cases are investigated by using some salient features of discrete fractional calculus and mathematical inequalities. Examples are presented to illustrate the validity of the theoretical results.
We revisit the properties of Bessel-Riesz operators and present a different proof of the boundedness of these operators on generalized Morrey spaces. We also obtain an estimate for the norm of these operators on generalized Morrey spaces in terms of the norm of their kernels on an associated Morrey space. As a consequence of our results, we reprove the boundedness of fractional integral operators on generalized Morrey spaces, especially of exponent , and obtain a new estimate for their norm.
The paper discusses basics of calculus of backward fractional differences and sums. We state their definitions, basic properties and consider a special two-term linear fractional difference equation. We construct a family of functions to obtain its solution.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33 (primary), 35S15In this paper, a space fractional diffusion equation (SFDE) with nonhomogeneous boundary conditions on a bounded domain is considered. A new matrix transfer technique (MTT) for solving the SFDE is proposed. The method is based on a matrix representation of the fractional-in-space operator and the novelty of this approach is that a standard discretisation of the operator leads to a system of linear ODEs with the matrix raised to the...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33 (primary), 35S15 (secondary)This paper provides a new method and corresponding numerical schemes to approximate a fractional-in-space diffusion equation on a bounded domain under boundary conditions of the Dirichlet, Neumann or Robin type. The method is based on a matrix representation of the fractional-in-space operator and the novelty of this approach is that a standard discretisation of the operator leads to a system of linear ODEs with the matrix...
Mathematics Subject Classi¯cation 2010: 26A33, 65D25, 65M06, 65Z05.In the present paper we solve space-time fractional diffusion-wave equation with two space variables, using the matrix method. Here, in particular, we give solutions to classical diffusion and wave equations and fractional diffusion and wave equations with different combinations of time and space fractional derivatives. We also plot some graphs for these problems with the help of MATLAB routines.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 45A05, 45B05, 45E05,45P05, 46E30We obtain a criterion of Fredholmness and formula for the Fredholm index of a certain class of one-dimensional integral operators M with a weak singularity in the kernel, from the variable exponent Lebesgue space L^p(·) ([a, b], ?) to the Sobolev type space L^α,p(·) ([a, b], ?) of fractional smoothness. We also give formulas of closed form solutions ϕ ∈ L^p(·) of the 1st kind integral equation M0ϕ = f, known as the generalized...
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33; 70H03, 70H25, 70S05; 49S05We treat the fractional order differential equation that contains the left and right Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives. Such equations arise as the Euler-Lagrange equation in variational principles with fractional derivatives. We reduce the problem to a Fredholm integral equation and construct a solution in the space of continuous functions. Two competing approaches in formulating differential equations of fractional order...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 26A33; Secondary 47G20, 31B05We study a singular value problem and the boundary Harnack principle for the fractional Laplacian on the exterior of the unit ball.