An elementary proof of the convergence of iterated exponentials.
An elementary short proof of the one-dimensional Rademacher theorem on differentiability of Lipschitz functions is given.
It is commonly known that absolute gauge integrability, or Henstock-Kurzweil (H-K) integrability implies Lebesgue integrability. In this article, we are going to present another proof of that fact which utilizes the basic definitions and properties of the Lebesgue and H-K integrals.
It is proved that a piecewise monotone transformation of the unit interval (with a countable number of pieces) is generically chaotic. The Gauss map arising in connection with the continued fraction expansions of the reals is an example of such a transformation.
An expansion formula for fractional derivatives given as in form of a series involving function and moments of its k-th derivative is derived. The convergence of the series is proved and an estimate of the reminder is given. The form of the fractional derivative given here is especially suitable in deriving restrictions, in a form of internal variable theory, following from the second law of thermodynamics, when applied to linear viscoelasticity of fractional derivative type.
Let f be a measurable function such that at each point x of a set E, where k is a positive integer, λ > 0 and is the symmetric difference of f at x of order k. Marcinkiewicz and Zygmund [5] proved that if λ = k and if E is measurable then the Peano derivative exists a.e. on E. Here we prove that if λ > k-1 then the Peano derivative exists a.e. on E and that the result is false if λ = k-1; it is further proved that if λ is any positive integer and if the approximate Peano derivative...