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We investigate Baire classes of strongly affine mappings with values in Fréchet spaces. We show, in particular, that the validity of the vector-valued Mokobodzki result on affine functions of the first Baire class is related to the approximation property of the range space. We further extend several results known for scalar functions on Choquet simplices or on dual balls of L₁-preduals to the vector-valued case. This concerns, in particular, affine classes of strongly affine Baire mappings, the...
Let be a complex -predual, non-separable in general. We investigate extendability of complex-valued bounded homogeneous Baire- functions on the set of the extreme points of the dual unit ball to the whole unit ball . As a corollary we show that, given , the intrinsic -th Baire class of can be identified with the space of bounded homogeneous Baire- functions on the set when satisfies certain topological assumptions. The paper is intended to be a complex counterpart to the same authors’...
A characterization of functions in the first Baire class in terms of their sets of discontinuity is given. More precisely, a function is of the first Baire class if and only if for each there is a sequence of closed sets such that and for each where
and denotes the set of points of discontinuity of . The proof of the main theorem is based on a recent - characterization of Baire class one functions as well as on a well-known theorem due to Lebesgue. Some direct applications of...
We investigate Baire-one functions whose graph is contained in the graph of a usco mapping. We prove in particular that such a function defined on a metric space with values in is the pointwise limit of a sequence of continuous functions with graphs contained in the graph of a common usco map.
We prove that any Baire-one usco-bounded function from a metric space to a closed convex subset of a Banach space is the pointwise limit of a usco-bounded sequence of continuous functions.
It is shown that a Banach-valued Henstock-Kurzweil integrable function on an -dimensional compact interval is McShane integrable on a portion of the interval. As a consequence, there exist a non-Perron integrable function and a continuous function such that
for all .
A topological space is called base-base paracompact (John E. Porter) if it has an open base such that every base has a locally finite subcover . It is not known if every paracompact space is base-base paracompact. We study subspaces of the Sorgenfrey line (e.g. the irrationals, a Bernstein set) as a possible counterexample.
We consider real valued functions defined on a subinterval of the positive real axis and prove that if all of ’s quantum differences are nonnegative then has a power series representation on . Further, if the quantum differences have fixed sign on then is analytic on .
Let be a self-similar set with similarities ratio and Hausdorff
dimension , let be a probability vector. The
Besicovitch-type subset of is defined aswhere is the indicator function of the set . Let and be a gauge function, then we prove in this paper:(i) If
, thenmoreover both of and
are finite positive;(ii) If is a positive probability
vector other than , then the gauge functions can be
partitioned as follows
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