Fields of sets, set functions, set function integrals, and finite additivity.
We present inversion results for Lipschitz maps f : Ω ⊂ ℝN → (Y, d) and stability of inversion for uniformly convergent sequences. These results are based on the Area Formula and on the l.s.c. of metric Jacobians.
We work with a fixed N-tuple of quasi-arithmetic means generated by an N-tuple of continuous monotone functions (I an interval) satisfying certain regularity conditions. It is known [initially Gauss, later Gustin, Borwein, Toader, Lehmer, Schoenberg, Foster, Philips et al.] that the iterations of the mapping tend pointwise to a mapping having values on the diagonal of . Each of [all equal] coordinates of the limit is a new mean, called the Gaussian product of the means taken on b. We effectively...
In this paper we give an alternative proof of our recent result that totally unrectifiable 1-sets which satisfy a measure-theoretic flatness condition at almost every point and sufficiently small scales, satisfy Besicovitch's 1/2-Conjecture which states that the lower spherical density for totally unrectifiable 1-sets should be bounded above by 1/2 at almost every point. This is in contrast to rectifiable 1-sets which actually possess a density equal to unity at almost every point. Our present method...
In a recent paper A. Cianchi, N. Fusco, F. Maggi, and A. Pratelli have shown that, in the Gauss space, a set of given measure and almost minimal Gauss boundary measure is necessarily close to be a half-space.Using only geometric tools, we extend their result to all symmetric log-concave measures on the real line. We give sharp quantitative isoperimetric inequalities and prove that among sets of given measure and given asymmetry (distance to half line, i.e. distance to sets of minimal perimeter),...