Attracteurs, orbites et ergodicité
Le cadre de cet article est celui des groupes et des espaces hyperboliques de M. Gromov. Il est motivé par la question suivante : comment différencier deux groupes hyperboliques à quasi-isométrie près ? On illustre ce problème en détaillant un exemple de M. Gromov issu de Asymptotic invariants for infinite groups. On décrit une famille infinie de groupes hyperboliques, deux à deux non quasi-isométriques, de bord la courbe de Menger. La méthode consiste à étudier leur structure quasi-conforme au...
On explicite une conjugaison en mesure entre le décalage sur le système dynamique associé à une substitution primitive et une transformation adique sur le support d'un sous-shift de type fini, à savoir l'ensemble des chemins d'un automate dit des préfixes-suffixes. En caractérisant les préimages par la conjugaison des chemins périodiques de l'automate, on montre que cette conjugaison est injective sauf sur un ensemble dénombrable, sur lequel elle est finie-à-un. On en déduit l'existence d'une suite...
This paper is meant as a (short and partial) introduction to the study of the geometry of Carnot groups and, more generally, of Carnot-Carathéodory spaces associated with a family of Lipschitz continuous vector fields. My personal interest in this field goes back to a series of joint papers with E. Lanconelli, where this notion was exploited for the study of pointwise regularity of weak solutions to degenerate elliptic partial differential equations. As stated in the title, here we are mainly concerned...
The aim of this manuscript is to determine the relative size of several functions (copulas, quasi– copulas) that are commonly used in stochastic modeling. It is shown that the class of all quasi–copulas that are (locally) associated to a doubly stochastic signed measure is a set of first category in the class of all quasi– copulas. Moreover, it is proved that copulas are nowhere dense in the class of quasi-copulas. The results are obtained via a checkerboard approximation of quasi–copulas.
A topological space is called base-base paracompact (John E. Porter) if it has an open base such that every base has a locally finite subcover . It is not known if every paracompact space is base-base paracompact. We study subspaces of the Sorgenfrey line (e.g. the irrationals, a Bernstein set) as a possible counterexample.
Obsahuje tyto části: 1. Benoit Mandelbrot vyznamenán za velký vědecký čin. 2. J. W. Cannon: recenze knihy B. B. Mandelbrota „Fraktální geometrie přírody‟. 3. David Preiss: Něco málo matematiky k fraktálúm.
The necessary and sufficient condition for a function to be Borel measurable (given by Theorem stated below) provides a technique to prove (in Corollary 2) the existence of a Borel measurable map such that holds for each , where denotes Bernoulli sequence of random variables with .
We construct Bernstein sets in ℝ having some additional algebraic properties. In particular, solving a problem of Kraszewski, Rałowski, Szczepaniak and Żeberski, we construct a Bernstein set which is a < c-covering and improve some other results of Rałowski, Szczepaniak and Żeberski on nonmeasurable sets.
Let be a self-similar set with similarities ratio and Hausdorff dimension , let be a probability vector. The Besicovitch-type subset of is defined aswhere is the indicator function of the set . Let and be a gauge function, then we prove in this paper:(i) If , thenmoreover both of and are finite positive;(ii) If is a positive probability vector other than , then the gauge functions can be partitioned as follows
We construct various Besicovitch sets using Baire category arguments.