Displaying 21 – 40 of 2105

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A class of continua that are not attractors of any IFS

Marcin Kulczycki, Magdalena Nowak (2012)

Open Mathematics

This paper presents a sufficient condition for a continuum in ℝn to be embeddable in ℝn in such a way that its image is not an attractor of any iterated function system. An example of a continuum in ℝ2 that is not an attractor of any weak iterated function system is also given.

A complete characterization of R-sets in the theory of differentiation of integrals

G. A. Karagulyan (2007)

Studia Mathematica

Let s be the family of open rectangles in the plane ℝ² with a side of angle s to the x-axis. We say that a set S of directions is an R-set if there exists a function f ∈ L¹(ℝ²) such that the basis s differentiates the integral of f if s ∉ S, and D ̅ s f ( x ) = l i m s u p d i a m ( R ) 0 , x R s | R | - 1 R f = almost everywhere if s ∈ S. If the condition D ̅ s f ( x ) = holds on a set of positive measure (instead of a.e.) we say that S is a WR-set. It is proved that S is an R-set (resp. a WR-set) if and only if it is a G δ (resp. a G δ σ ).

A converse of the Arsenin–Kunugui theorem on Borel sets with σ-compact sections

P. Holický, Miroslav Zelený (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let f be a Borel measurable mapping of a Luzin (i.e. absolute Borel metric) space L onto a metric space M such that f(F) is a Borel subset of M if F is closed in L. We show that then f - 1 ( y ) is a K σ set for all except countably many y ∈ M, that M is also Luzin, and that the Borel classes of the sets f(F), F closed in L, are bounded by a fixed countable ordinal. This gives a converse of the classical theorem of Arsenin and Kunugui. As a particular case we get Taĭmanov’s theorem saying that the image of...

A criterion for pure unrectifiability of sets (via universal vector bundle)

Silvano Delladio (2011)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let m,n be positive integers such that m < n and let G(n,m) be the Grassmann manifold of all m-dimensional subspaces of ℝⁿ. For V ∈ G(n,m) let π V denote the orthogonal projection from ℝⁿ onto V. The following characterization of purely unrectifiable sets holds. Let A be an m -measurable subset of ℝⁿ with m ( A ) < . Then A is purely m-unrectifiable if and only if there exists a null subset Z of the universal bundle ( V , v ) | V G ( n , m ) , v V such that, for all P ∈ A, one has m ( n - m ) ( V G ( n , m ) | ( V , π V ( P ) ) Z ) > 0 . One can replace “for all P ∈ A” by “for m -a.e. P ∈...

A Daniell integral approach to nonstandard Kurzweil-Henstock integral

Ricardo Bianconi, João C. Prandini, Cláudio Possani (1999)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A workable nonstandard definition of the Kurzweil-Henstock integral is given via a Daniell integral approach. This allows us to study the HL class of functions from . The theory is recovered together with a few new results.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 2105