Displaying 141 – 160 of 901

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Averages of unitary representations and weak mixing of random walks

Michael Lin, Rainer Wittmann (1995)

Studia Mathematica

Let S be a locally compact (σ-compact) group or semigroup, and let T(t) be a continuous representation of S by contractions in a Banach space X. For a regular probability μ on S, we study the convergence of the powers of the μ-average Ux = ʃ T(t)xdμ(t). Our main results for random walks on a group G are: (i) The following are equivalent for an adapted regular probability on G: μ is strictly aperiodic; U n converges weakly for every continuous unitary representation of G; U is weakly mixing for any...

Billiard complexity in the hypercube

Nicolas Bedaride, Pascal Hubert (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We consider the billiard map in the hypercube of d . We obtain a language by coding the billiard map by the faces of the hypercube. We investigate the complexity function of this language. We prove that n 3 d - 3 is the order of magnitude of the complexity.

Borel matrix

Michel Weber (1995)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study the Borel summation method. We obtain a general sufficient condition for a given matrix A to have the Borel property. We deduce as corollaries, earlier results obtained by G. M“uller and J.D. Hill. Our result is expressed in terms belonging to the theory of Gaussian processes. We show that this result cannot be extended to the study of the Borel summation method on arbitrary dynamical systems. However, in the L p -setting, we establish necessary conditions of the same kind by using Bourgain’s...

BV coboundaries over irrational rotations

Dalibor Volný (1997)

Studia Mathematica

For every irrational rotation we construct a coboundary which is continuous except at a single point where it has a jump, is nondecreasing, and has zero derivative almost everywhere.

Capacités invariantes extrémales

Michel Talagrand (1978)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On étudie certains cônes de mesures 0 sur un espace localement compact, qui sont invariantes par l’action continue d’un groupe localement compact G , cette étude étant centrée sur les génératrices extrémales de ces cônes. On dégage d’abord un type très simple d’action continue où l’on décrit complètement la situation. On dégage ensuite une classe d’actions (contenant par exemple l’action de shift de Bernoulli sur { 0 , 1 } N ) qui ne sont pas du type précédent, et que l’on étudie en grand détail. Le résultat...

Central limit theorems for non-invertible measure preserving maps

Michael C. Mackey, Marta Tyran-Kamińska (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Using the Perron-Frobenius operator we establish a new functional central limit theorem for non-invertible measure preserving maps that are not necessarily ergodic. We apply the result to asymptotically periodic transformations and give a specific example using the tent map.

Chaotic behavior of infinitely divisible processes

S. Cambanis, K. Podgórski, A. Weron (1995)

Studia Mathematica

The hierarchy of chaotic properties of symmetric infinitely divisible stationary processes is studied in the language of their stochastic representation. The structure of the Musielak-Orlicz space in this representation is exploited here.

Combinatoire du billard dans un polyèdre

Nicolas Bedaride (2006/2007)

Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie

Ces notes ont pour but de rassembler les différents résultats de combinatoire des mots relatifs au billard polygonal et polyédral. On commence par rappeler quelques notions de combinatoire, puis on définit le billard, les notions utiles en dynamique et le codage de l’application. On énonce alors les résultats connus en dimension deux puis trois.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 901