Some inequalities for convex, starlike, and close-to-convex mappings
The object of the present paper is to derive some inequalities involving multivalent functions in the unit disk. One of our results is an improvement and a generalization of a result due to R. M. Robinson [4].
The initial boundary-transmission problems for electromagnetic fields in homogeneous and anisotropic media for canonical semi-infinite domains, like halfspaces, wedges and the exterior of half- and quarter-plane obstacles are formulated with the use of complex quaternions. The time-harmonic case was studied by A. Passow in his Darmstadt thesis 1998 in which he treated also the case of an homogeneous and isotropic layer in free space and above an ideally conducting plane. For thin layers and free...
Two well known definitions of the flow of a plane vector field around the boundary of a region are compared. The definition (appropriately arranged) based on the constantness of the stream function on every profile is not only invariant under conformal mappings but more general than the definition based on the vanishing of the normal component of the field on .