Displaying 541 – 560 of 961

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On supports of dynamical laminations and biaccessible points in polynomial Julia sets

Stanislav K. Smirnov (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We use Beurling estimates and Zdunik's theorem to prove that the support of a lamination of the circle corresponding to a connected polynomial Julia set has zero length, unless f is conjugate to a Chebyshev polynomial. Equivalently, except for the Chebyshev case, the biaccessible points in the connected polynomial Julia set have zero harmonic measure.

On the analytic capacity and curvature of some Cantor sets with non-σ-finite length.

Pertti Mattila (1996)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We show that if a Cantor set E as considered by Garnett in [G2] has positive Hausdorff h-measure for a non-decreasing function h satisfying ∫01 r−3 h(r)2 dr < ∞, then the analytic capacity of E is positive. Our tool will be the Menger three-point curvature and Melnikov’s identity relating it to the Cauchy kernel. We shall also prove some related more general results.

On the angular limits of Bloch functions.

Joan J. Carmona, Julià Cufi, Christian Pommerenke (1988)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

This paper contains a method to associate to each function f in the little Bloch space another function f* in the Bloch space in such way that f has a finite angular limit where f* is radially bounded. The idea of the method comes from the theory of lacunary series. An application to conformal mapping from the unit disc to asymptotically Jordan domains is given.

On the approximation of entire functions over Carathéodory domains

Devendra Kumar, Harvir S. Kasana (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let D be a Carathéodory domain. For 1 p , let L p ( D ) be the class of all functions f holomorphic in D such that f D , p = [ 1 A D | f ( z ) | p d x d y ] 1 / p < , where A is the area of D . For f L p ( D ) , set E n p ( f ) = inf t π n f - t D , p ; π n consists of all polynomials of degree at most n . In this paper we study the growth of an entire function in terms of approximation...

Currently displaying 541 – 560 of 961