On the zeros and hyper-order of meromorphic solutions of linear differential equations.
We present some results on the location of zeros of regular polynomials of a quaternionic variable. We derive new bounds of Eneström-Kakeya type for the zeros of these polynomials by virtue of a maximum modulus theorem and the structure of the zero sets of a regular product established in the newly developed theory of regular functions and polynomials of a quaternionic variable. Our results extend some classical results from complex to the quaternionic setting as well.
For a polynomial of degree n, we have obtained some results, which generalize and improve upon the earlier well known results (under certain conditions). A similar result is also obtained for analytic function.
The purpose of this paper is to solve two functional equations for generalized Joukowski transformations and to give a geometric interpretation to one of them. Here the Joukowski transformation means the function of a complex variable z.